how to copy prop eprom back into IDE??
Hi guys first Merry Xmas to all of you and happy holidays ..
I tried to search for this but just cannot remember ,, I have a program in eprom I downloaded with the IDE it is written in spin, I just want to now copy the image of the eprom so can load it into other boards I now it will not be in spin but can I copy the eprom image and load it into another board as a bin file?? thank you
I tried to search for this but just cannot remember ,, I have a program in eprom I downloaded with the IDE it is written in spin, I just want to now copy the image of the eprom so can load it into other boards I now it will not be in spin but can I copy the eprom image and load it into another board as a bin file?? thank you
I don't think there is an easy way of doing this. You'd need a program (on a second Prop or in RAM only of the target Prop) that reads the entire EEPROM and saves it to a file (on a SD card?).
The Propeller Tool doesn't have a way to do this by itself.
And a merry Christmas to you.
No other software or code required.
Why not just use the Prop tool to write to those other EEPROMs? It is there 'waiting' for you to do so. Or is there a situation you did not let us know about?
There are several programs out there that will 'uudecode' the data back into an original binary that the Propeller IDE should be able to recognize.
The algorithm is pretty simple to implement, you just have to remember to use F10 and NOT F11 when you run the Memory extraction object.