Suggestions for stereo amp to drive speakers, other than using demoboard?
I'm looking for an appropriate stereo amp to drive my speakers so that I can have audio for a school project, I thought about purchasing a MAX4411ETP chip, that is used in the demoboard, and build the rest of the circut, since purchasing the demoboard for just one purpose is expensive.
I tried searching for the MAX4411ETP headphone driver from other sites, but from what I found it seems that they are only sold in large quantities, and/or to vendors only.
Any suggestions other than purchasing a demoboard to drive my speakers?
Thank you,
I'm looking for an appropriate stereo amp to drive my speakers so that I can have audio for a school project, I thought about purchasing a MAX4411ETP chip, that is used in the demoboard, and build the rest of the circut, since purchasing the demoboard for just one purpose is expensive.
I tried searching for the MAX4411ETP headphone driver from other sites, but from what I found it seems that they are only sold in large quantities, and/or to vendors only.
Any suggestions other than purchasing a demoboard to drive my speakers?
Thank you,
It's under $1.50.
Is this a package that you are comfortable working with?
You can also try requesting free samples from .
Would that work? Could you just hook up the speakers directly to the Propeller chip with no amplification?
Rich H
Thanks, just ordered from mouser, I'd prefer to use this chip since there is a known working schematic to use under the demoboard documentation link, and it's cheap.
I programmed in Chip's "Singing Monks" demo (with appropriate pin and clock modifications):
It sounded just fine! 'Don't know what else to say, except that it made me appreciate Chip's stereo spatializer software even more.