16x2 LCD
I have searched the forum for information on how to wire up and program an LCD to the Propeller and have not found anything. Could someone point me in the right direction on how to do this.
I can't believe that there is no description for LCDs here at parallax! Maybe you did not search correctly.
16x2 only tells us that the display has 16 characters per line and 2 lines. The most important question is what interface does it have? Is it a serial interface or is the interface HD44780 compatible or something else?
Then you could have searched in the object exchange for "Serial LCD" or "HD44780". The idea for objects in the object exchange is to have the documentation included and a good documentation will tell you how to connect the device with the propeller.
Have fun while learning to fly ... ;o)
5 x 8 Dots with Cursor
Built in Controller (HD44780 or equivalent)
+5V Power Supply
1/16 Duty Circle
My search for LCD in the forum only brought up Basic Stamp results.
Since no one else asked, is it Serial or parallel interface? That makes a difference.
Do you have a part #? or data sheet?
Serial uses less pins. Is yours parallel or serial?
I don't really know. This is where I got it.
I will post back when I get it going.