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Propeller Chip to run HT1632 chip. — Parallax Forums

Propeller Chip to run HT1632 chip.

Tony11Tony11 Posts: 41
edited 2010-12-11 21:25 in Propeller 1
Is there someone who knows how to get me started to program the Propeller Chip to run the (HT1632) 0832 dot matrix. On this page I have put the pdf file. What I am looking to do is, program the Propeller to run the dot matrix.


  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2010-12-11 21:25
    It looks like the HT1632 uses a variation of SPI to get data in and out of the chip. There's a /CS line and a bidirectional serial data line. For reading, /RD acts as the clock line and for writing, /WR acts as the clock line.

    Have a look at the BS2 Functions object in the Object Exchange. The Stamps use their SHIFTOUT and SHIFTIN statements to shift a byte into or out of a device along with a HIGH / LOW statement to control the /CS line. The BS2 Functions object has direct equivalents to these statements and they can serve as examples for you own coding. You could also just use the BS2 Functions routines in your own program.

    Note that the SHIFTOUT and SHIFTIN routines in BS2 Functions assume that the idle state of the clock signal is zero (logic low) and this is not the case with the HT1632. You'll need to change the "outa[Cpin]:=0" in both routines to "outa[Cpin]:=1". For SHIFTOUT, Cpin is the /WR pin. For SHIFTIN, Cpin is the /RD pin. In both cases, Dpin is the DATA pin. For SHIFTIN, the mode is MSBPOST. For SHIFTOUT, it's MSBFIRST.
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