Does anyone on the Parallax forums still help or support users who use the SX?
Just wondering if any help is given to those of us who still have extra SX chips around and have projects to mess around with? I have posted 3 threads and not one of them has been answered much less posted on
Is there a spot in the Parallax forum to post SX specific questions? The only area that has anything to do with SX is a few sticky threads so I don't think I can post there.
Sorry if I may sound rude, but I can't find alot of good articles in the new forum design.

Sorry if I may sound rude, but I can't find alot of good articles in the new forum design.
Yes there is an SX Forum under 'Retired Product'. Also still seems active.
Those would be the right places to post queries.
At first I felt seriously disappointed that the SXes were no longer part of Parallax's mainstream. There certainly are some projects that don't need a Propeller. From what I gather, Microchip's legal department has pushed to retire the SXes as they mimic PIC chips to some extent (though are much faster and program a bit differently).
There are a lot of good choices in similar 8 bit processors and that makes the economics of supporting the SX even more difficult. The AVRs and PICs offer ADC within their package and other features. And TI is now trying to push their products to the forefront of this rather crowded corner of the microcontroller marketplace.
The main things are that one can still buy SXes and SXKeys. Also, there is a community of users and SX/B has evolved to version 2-beta.
It is just that all the activity with the Propeller and soon to be Propeller2 demands Parallax's support. After all, survival is an on-going issue.
As Parallax has said a few time, SX's should be available for 10 years+. I would not worry, unless someone buys up an inordinate amount, and them you might purchase a small lot from them.
As for the SX Forums not displaying recent posts, that is a problem being worked on:
For now, adjust the Thread Display Options for something other than "Last Day"
If you ask in the General forums then it is LESS likely to get answered since I look for SX related threads in the SX forum. You should probably ask one of the moderators to move this to that forum.