$30 Viewsonic 8" digital photo frame

http://cgi.ebay.com/Viewsonic-VFD823-50-8-digital-photo-frame-/230561921385?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item35ae8fb969 while they last
XLNT price for an 8" DPF with 800x600 resolution. No remote, but from my experience, remotes are a PITA and many times the DPF won't even start without it.
I ordered two. Somewhere down the line I plan to use one of these as a mobile robot chassis and use it to display images based on sensor input.
XLNT price for an 8" DPF with 800x600 resolution. No remote, but from my experience, remotes are a PITA and many times the DPF won't even start without it.
I ordered two. Somewhere down the line I plan to use one of these as a mobile robot chassis and use it to display images based on sensor input.