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Running Windows IDE on Mac with Wine — Parallax Forums

Running Windows IDE on Mac with Wine

WafflesWaffles Posts: 5
edited 2013-07-08 12:03 in BASIC Stamp
I'm trying to get my old BS1 working, but the IDE for mac isn't BS1 compatible (as far as I've read and could figure out). So I'm trying the Windows IDE with Wine. It runs great, except that it won't find the serial adapter (which the Mac IDE can find). Any ideas to get either to work?


  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2010-12-09 20:12
    MacBS2 does not support the BS1 or the BS2px. I've never been able to get downloading to work with the Stamp Editor under Mac Wine. Sorry.

    I use Parallels Desktop, but you need a copy of Windows for that. I use XP Home. I've also used Windows XP under VMWare and it works under BootCamp as well.

    Under Parallels Desktop and Windows XP Home, I've had no problems with the Stamp Editor, the Propeller Tool, ViewPort, the PropScope's software and other Parallax related software.
  • WafflesWaffles Posts: 5
    edited 2010-12-10 09:06
    After doing some creative computer magic... It still doesn't work. I located the name of the USB>serial adapter that the computer assigned to it using:
    ls -l /dev/tty*

    in the terminal.

    Then I built a symlink to that port to 'com1' so wine would make the windows program *think* there is a serial port using:
    ln -s /dev/tty.usbserial-A800emkk ~/.wine/dosdevices/com1

    there was some more trial and error stuff in there, but none the less. No good. I also sent an email to the guys from MacBS2 out of curiosity and according to them:
    The crucial bit of software at the heart of MacBS2 is the tokenizer from Parallax. Unfortunately, it only supports the BS2 series, and it's incomplete support (the BS2px is unsupported).

    I knew that those were not supported but didn't know it was because of the tokenizer itself.

    So, sorry Mac folks, if you have a BS1 and no copy of windows, we're all just SOL. But I haven't given up on this yet! (...i probably have...)
  • icepuckicepuck Posts: 466
    edited 2010-12-10 17:48
    That's the same problem I had with ubuntu/debian.I've used other windows programs that use the serial ports and usb to serial with no problems. Parallax software must be using a file or a dll somewhere that's not in wine.
    That's a mystery I haven't figured out yet.
  • jackalopemongerjackalopemonger Posts: 1
    edited 2013-07-08 11:43
    I'm trying to run the basic stamp editor using Wine in OSX 10.8 and am experiencing the same issue. Has anyone found a solution for this yet?

    *EDIT* I'm using a BS2, however.
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2013-07-08 12:03
    MacBS2 has been updated and will run under MacOS 10.8. See this thread for a link for downloading.
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