Printable Version of Posts
I'm glad to see that while printing forum posts in this new forum software, code blocks get expanded out of the frame they resided in, allowing the code to be seen in its entirety
This was an issue with the previous forum software as I recall.
This was an issue with the previous forum software as I recall.
How did you get that to work? I am not seeing the same results. My printing look just like the screen capture.
Anyone else able to replicate the total printing of Code Blocks. I cant seem to get it to work. I have gone through all settings in Profile, etc.
Go into the thread you want to print in the normal, reading way.
At the top of the thread page, click on the "Thread Tools" item, and select "Show Printable Version" from that menu. You will get the thread presented in a format that will print -- the code blocks are fully expanded.
I thought I have been through all the new features, but I guess another went one further.
Much appreciated.
Glad everything worked out.