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VNC2 *Viniculum II support needed* — Parallax Forums

VNC2 *Viniculum II support needed*

renegadeandyrenegadeandy Posts: 3
edited 2011-02-26 08:39 in General Discussion
Hey guys.

I have recently bought and started to code for the VNC2 board :

Now it runs an OS called VOS and im having some difficulty getting it to do some of the things I want!

I was hoping somebody around this forum would have experiance with either coding against VOS or with the Viniculum boards!

Please reply if you have - and ill explain more about my rather interesting project!:smile: Hope this is the right forum - this parallax forum was the only one I could find on the internet where somebody had mentioned Viniculum II so its my only shot!



  • renegadeandyrenegadeandy Posts: 3
    edited 2010-12-09 07:23
    so im guessing thats a no then!
  • TubularTubular Posts: 4,726
    edited 2010-12-09 11:07
    What were you hoping to do with it, exactly? I have a VNC2-48 chip and am just waiting for a parallax datalogger to dive in and see what can be done
  • renegadeandyrenegadeandy Posts: 3
    edited 2010-12-09 13:03
    Hey! Great glad you have one - im on the vnc2 32 pin :)

    What I want to do is plugin a keyboard and get the a program to work which will report back what device description and other information it can collect about it via setting info down through an emulated com port.

    It works to the extent that I can get messages sent down to the com port perfectly well, but getting the info on the keyboard ive plugged in is not working at all.

    All it does is freeze up and do nothing so im thinking Ive done something wrong somewhere

    My code can be found here:

    Its a Viniculum II project which can be openend usig the VNC2 toolchain.

    Please help - been stuck for a week!

  • jpieperjpieper Posts: 1
    edited 2011-02-26 08:39
    Hey! Great glad you have one - im on the vnc2 32 pin :)

    All it does is freeze up and do nothing so im thinking Ive done something wrong somewhere

    My code can be found here:


    Andy, have you had any luck with this? I've found the VNC2 debugger to be relatively useful in tracking down problems of this nature, given that you can set hardware breakpoints, single step, and examine the contents of RAM.

    I have also started a page cataloging some of the problems I have found with the VNC2 firmware, some of your problems may be the same or similar:

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