10 DOF: Gyro, Accelerometer and Compass, plus Pressure/Temp transducers on a pcb

It has been a long time coming due to lack of time - nearly there now. This is for the QuadCopter design.
But I have had a few thoughts...
A 2.4GHz 8 Ch Tx/Rx pair can be purchased from www.hobbyking.com for about $40. This is without the transmitter controls and case in the Tx and is designed for upgrading obsolete RC Tx/Rx.
The other day someone on the forum pointed to an article about using a joystick interface for controlling QuadCopters. I have also seen an iPhone used for controlling a QuadCopter by rotating etc the iPhone.
So here is an idea...
Using another of my 10 DOF pcbs in a handheld device (and the above Tx section) it may be possible to invent a whole new way of controlling the QuadCopter similar to the way the iPhone was used.
By tilting in the X and Y axis we can get the angle of the QuadCopter. Then we need a slide control to vary the throttle - maybe a wheel which we just rotate up for more power and rotate down to slow. Basically, this is how a QuadCopter flies. Perhaps a button when pressed (emergency button) to stabilise and hover.
So what does this mean? We use two identical Prop pcbs and sensor pcbs. One in the Quad takes controls the Rx and converts to control the motors via Esc s. The other has the wheel/button interface attached to the Tx in a box.
Does this make any sense???
But I have had a few thoughts...
A 2.4GHz 8 Ch Tx/Rx pair can be purchased from www.hobbyking.com for about $40. This is without the transmitter controls and case in the Tx and is designed for upgrading obsolete RC Tx/Rx.
The other day someone on the forum pointed to an article about using a joystick interface for controlling QuadCopters. I have also seen an iPhone used for controlling a QuadCopter by rotating etc the iPhone.
So here is an idea...
Using another of my 10 DOF pcbs in a handheld device (and the above Tx section) it may be possible to invent a whole new way of controlling the QuadCopter similar to the way the iPhone was used.
By tilting in the X and Y axis we can get the angle of the QuadCopter. Then we need a slide control to vary the throttle - maybe a wheel which we just rotate up for more power and rotate down to slow. Basically, this is how a QuadCopter flies. Perhaps a button when pressed (emergency button) to stabilise and hover.
So what does this mean? We use two identical Prop pcbs and sensor pcbs. One in the Quad takes controls the Rx and converts to control the motors via Esc s. The other has the wheel/button interface attached to the Tx in a box.
Does this make any sense???
Of course for the handheld unit, it needs to also take the RF module and we need to be able to handle it, and add a wheel and button(s).
Due middle of next year from Invensense is a single chip gyro+accelerometer with I2C input to connect to the compass. A processor is inbuilt too to perform the necessary calculations. You can see the gaming and phone market pushing the limits here!
it's a good idea,
i have a 6-chanel-RC-Box:
2 x sticks, a slider, and a on/off/on-button
for changing the power of the 4x brushless-engines via ESC: powerSlider : control the ESC
the leftSitck 1) up/down: forward and backward
2) left/right
the on/off/on button for flyByWire and emergency
as attachmend a little spinProg:
regards nomad
After all if the human control input is via rotation and tilt of a hand held box the rotation and tilt of the copter only has to follow that.
Symmetry of function, symmetry of form.
Question, is it actually as easy to control a copter with such an input device as it seems it should be?
I have no experience of any of this.
Not sure - will have to try and see
Now I can see a problem... As the Quad moves around, you move around, and you need to keep some relationship between the Quad and yourself. Perhaps the compass will come in handy here. In order to get this info up to the Quad we can use another channel to send a PWM definition of the compass heading from the ground - an approximation will be fine as we just need to know the relative direction of the Quad to the pilot on the ground. I am not explaining this well and I am not sure I've my head around this yet.
However, it should be fairly easy to test this from having the Quad hover close to the ground and then just tilt it by tilting the "ground tx". The walk around the Quad and see what happens and how to adjust it. For example, if you walk around to the rear of the quad (from the front), your tilting will reverse and we dont want this. So here is where the compass comes in. Of course a GPS would be better but lets keep it simple for now at least and see what works.
Maybe some time over Xmas??? I have the chips. Just need to get the pcbs off and back.
I love to fly RC helicopters and I like the Idea you have. I have kids and they want to fly so bad but are just not old enough to handle my larger helicopters and this would be great for them. One thing about the craft relation well on a small inside craft you could use a ring of IR Rx sensors and then have a IR led on the Ground Tx and as you turn or the craft turns then it would correct the directional inputs that way it would always follow how you tilted the craft. Outside the compass module would be a great way to sync from the craft to ground Tx. Also I was planning to use a Wii wired nunchuck to control mine their have been some past post on linking to it.