Is it safe to wire +5v directly to an I/O pin?
Is it safe to wire +5 directly to an I/O pin, or must a resistor be in series. I see a description of: Eight, normally-open pushbuttons (I/O lines protected, and pulled-up to Vdd via 10K), which makes me believe that in general conditions, this would cause a fatal short (damaging the board), but that Parallax builds a safety into their I/O? I am a software developer and hardware is all new to me (but loving it).
I ask b/c I actually see a diagram showing no resistor in Figure 9.2 (diagram 2) at:
Page 160 Javelin Stamp Manual v1.0
Thank you for any tips,
I ask b/c I actually see a diagram showing no resistor in Figure 9.2 (diagram 2) at:
Page 160 Javelin Stamp Manual v1.0
Thank you for any tips,
Note that there are completely different issues if the +5V is really not +5V, but occasionally something higher. Similarly, there are different issues if you're using a Propeller (which is a 3.3V device) with inputs at +5V.
Also, sometime when you're wiring up a board and you've left the power on because you're "just fixing one wire" and accidentally brush that wire against another wire that's carrying the "wrong voltage", just for an instant, and you've accidentally connected a high output to ground for an instant and you've now burned out another I/O pin, you might wish you had a current limiting resistor in that I/O lead.
Smart? No.
While you can theoretically get away with no series resistor if all the I/O are the same voltage, it's still a bad idea because of the possibility of a programming error induced Crowbar Effect, where the two connected I/O's are both told to be outputs but of opposite polarity, and they try to short out the power supply. If you like brewing nitroglycerine on a hot stove while sniffing gasoline fumes go ahead and try it, but hey resistors are cheaper than Propeller chips.