Advanced Search

I'm running out of options. Now that tags (and tag search) are gone I tried to find certain threads by title keywords. So I select All Types and Search Titles Only.
I know I can't search for e.g. "POC" (as it's too short). But why does it claim it can't find anything for "[POC]"? Do square brackets have a special meaning in this context (e.g. regexp)? If so, is this documented somewhere?
I know I can't search for e.g. "POC" (as it's too short). But why does it claim it can't find anything for "[POC]"? Do square brackets have a special meaning in this context (e.g. regexp)? If so, is this documented somewhere?
You can also search for tags in the AdvSearch options, all of the old information is still attached.
I searched around and couldn't find any other way to activate the functionality that was lost with Tagging Options, so they're back; sorry for the problems you met in the meantime. The search functionality is being inspected, because I was also unable to find very common search elements like 'i2c'.
So: OPs can select 5 tags for their post (3 - 25 characters)
As far as search operators and regexp are concerned, I believe all of the basics apply: +, - , >, <, et al. I'll work on a list of all the operators and include it to the FAQ, when that is completed I will make a note of it for everyone.