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Propeller Backpack and xbee — Parallax Forums

Propeller Backpack and xbee

TumblerTumbler Posts: 323
edited 2010-12-04 22:47 in Accessories
From the propeller backpack info sheet:
Communication with the Backpack video terminal program takes place using serial I/O, transmitting and
receiving at 9600 baud, using a non-inverted, open-drain protocol.

Now i was wondering, can an xbee connected to the backpack?
Or do i need to make some changes in the bp-firmware?


  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2010-12-04 21:48
    You can certainly connect an XBee to the Backpack. If you connect via a pair of daughterboard pins (plus Vdd and Vss), FullDuplexSerial will work fine as an intermediary. You can also connect via the Prop Plug port, but you'll have to power the XBee externally, since no Vdd connection is available there. Interfacing via the three-pin half-duplex port is a little trickier, however, since the XBee is, by nature, a full-duplex device.

    None of these techniques will permit programming the Backpack via XBee, though; but I'm working on a solution to that this weekend, as well as finishing up an XBee daughterboard design. More soon...

  • TumblerTumbler Posts: 323
    edited 2010-12-04 22:16
    Phil, looking at the bp schematic.
    Only the 'white' marked pin (3pin header) goes to the propeller A27 pin.
    So it's a bit confusing, and i don't want to programm the propeller wirelessly, only send commands to it using some xbee's
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2010-12-04 22:47
    You don't have to use the three-pin connector as an XBee interface. (In fact, I would recommend against it, since it's pulled up to 5V.) As I pointed out above, you can use any pair of pins from A0 to A7 on the daughterboard connector. Untill the XBee daughterboard becomes available, the easiest way to do this would be to get a Proto-DB to connect your Xbee adapter to.

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