The "What's New?" tab.

I really like this feature! (Maybe the old version had it, and I just didn't see it.) From one window, I can access links to everything I've not yet viewed, along with a single click to mark them all as read. There's hardly a reason to lurk anywhere else, nor any reason to know which forums the new posts are in.
Tip: To refresh this tab, click it again. Don't use your browser's reload button: it will not bring up additional new posts.
Tip: To refresh this tab, click it again. Don't use your browser's reload button: it will not bring up additional new posts.
The bad thing is when you decide to make a reply after leaving the page, you have to do some hunting to find where the post was made. What would really help me out is if there were a "Recently Viewed" feature.
Rich H
Rich H
I believe the Orange envelopes have a hit count associated with them, (Hot Topics). I can do without.
It seems the "What's New" is similar to the forum "New Post". The problem is now if you log in to answer a question, then log out, the forum flags all the old, unread, post as being read. Still working through the new stuff. Keeps our brains active, ehh?
which started with a totally nonsensical original post, is now a "hot topic." Give me a break!
Rich H