File attachments: the good and the bad.

The good: I really like the fact that one can now easily select from a list of prior uploads to reattach a file to a new post. That's great!
The bad: One really bad change that I hope can be corrected is that, once an attachment is uploaded, it no longer shows up in the Attachments box during editing as a link:

What this means is that, to embed an image, you have first to submit the post, then copy each link address from the post attachment box and reedit to include it between [noparse][img][/img][/noparse] tags. This is a huge inconvenience that harks back to the bad old days of DotNetBB. It needs to be fixed.
Addendum: I just discovered that if you do a Preview Post, the image link is available there. That's a little better; but it would still be nice to have access to the link without having to do a preview first. -P.
The bad: One really bad change that I hope can be corrected is that, once an attachment is uploaded, it no longer shows up in the Attachments box during editing as a link:
What this means is that, to embed an image, you have first to submit the post, then copy each link address from the post attachment box and reedit to include it between [noparse][img][/img][/noparse] tags. This is a huge inconvenience that harks back to the bad old days of DotNetBB. It needs to be fixed.
Addendum: I just discovered that if you do a Preview Post, the image link is available there. That's a little better; but it would still be nice to have access to the link without having to do a preview first. -P.