VGA resistor problem
HI everybody,sorry for being annoying lately and thanks for all your help.
I make a Protoboard myself and when i solder the resister network for VGA port something came in my mind
2 bits with 2 resistor create 4 states:
bit 0
VGA pin
The voltage V is voltage at VGA pin
00: V=0V
01: V=3,3*75/(R+75)
10: V=3,3*75/(2R+75)
11: V=3,3*75/(Re+75)
Re is the total resistor of R and 2R in serial or 2R/3
The maximum voltage at VGA pin can withstand about 1V (i m' not so sure) and the standard is 0.7V
So the maximum voltage happens at the last state,calculate back it give us the R is 417ohm
In the Protoboard i saw the value for R is 240ohm and some other FPGA board with 3,3V voltage output they use 330ohm /680ohm
So is there a problem when we use 240/470 or 330/680 pair?
I make a Protoboard myself and when i solder the resister network for VGA port something came in my mind
2 bits with 2 resistor create 4 states:
bit 0
VGA pin
The voltage V is voltage at VGA pin
00: V=0V
01: V=3,3*75/(R+75)
10: V=3,3*75/(2R+75)
11: V=3,3*75/(Re+75)
Re is the total resistor of R and 2R in serial or 2R/3
The maximum voltage at VGA pin can withstand about 1V (i m' not so sure) and the standard is 0.7V
So the maximum voltage happens at the last state,calculate back it give us the R is 417ohm
In the Protoboard i saw the value for R is 240ohm and some other FPGA board with 3,3V voltage output they use 330ohm /680ohm
So is there a problem when we use 240/470 or 330/680 pair?
Also the whole resistance ladder has to be looked at to decide if it will work well. It is the ratios that are important.
Admittedly higher resistances will provide a bit less power, but that doesn't seem to be a critical issue either and the VGA inputs are rather high impedance.
Since available resistors for exact ratios were not easy to get, Parallax accepted ballpark values, tested their use, and found them to work well.
can you suggest some minimum value of resistor we can use?