OnOffSwitch with mosfet
I need to control a motor (just on off) one direction and I was thinking I could do it with a mosfet or transistor. I am specifically looking into controlling it with ONE mosfet. Is this possible? Basically send a high signal to the gate of the mosfet and it will allow current to flow through the mosfet allowing the motor to spin. The motor voltage is 5v and I am using the basic stamp to control the mosfet. Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you
I need to control a motor (just on off) one direction and I was thinking I could do it with a mosfet or transistor. I am specifically looking into controlling it with ONE mosfet. Is this possible? Basically send a high signal to the gate of the mosfet and it will allow current to flow through the mosfet allowing the motor to spin. The motor voltage is 5v and I am using the basic stamp to control the mosfet. Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you
The long answer requires a bit of reality. What voltage is the motor to be powered at? You said 5 Volts.
How many amps do you intend to provide to it? still unknown
And which micro-controller are you planning to use? Propeller is 3.3 volts while the BasicStamp is 5.0 volts output. You said the BasicStamp
The 2N7000 Mosfet is often selected for hundreds of milliamps output, while the 2n2222 transistor is chosen for similar reasons.
But MOSfets generally prefer more than 3.3 volts to be fully switched on. The Propeller can work with them, but may need some careful engineering.
Using the MOSfet might be best as the motor will be powered at 5 volts. The transistor isn't a bad choice either, just not as good.
You really would do even better to have the motor powered at 9 volts or 12 volts, but I suppose you are thinking one and only one power supply voltage.
If you used a transistor, you would suffer from wasted power due to a 0.7volt drop inside the transistor. So the higher voltage improved motor output.
The 2N7000 Mosfet is often selected for hundreds of milliamps output, while the 2n2222 transistor is chosen for similar reasons.
Interesting, so I'm trying to be as simplistic as possible, would one 2n7000 mosfet transistor drive a load (in this case a motor) with an external power supply for the motor (5v)? I feel like i'm being too much of a hassle but could you draw me out a schematic that would work in my situation.. (one pin to control and switch off/on the motor powered by the external battery)
Appreciate it,
You really need to have some idea of how many amps the motor requires in order to size a transistor or MOSfet.
But be very careful to get the polarity right. Since their is an internal diode that protects the MOSfet from voltage spikes generated by motors , accidentally installed a reverse in polarity can burn up the MOSfet's internal diode and maybe the whole thing. At least that happened to me with a 2N7000.