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Tv_text_demo — Parallax Forums


CelticCeltic Posts: 9
edited 2010-12-04 08:42 in Propeller 1
On the prop demo board I have TV_TEXT_Demo
running and a NTSC tv connected to antenna input
for a try. No syncing image can be found on VHF or other.
In the program in the line
text.start(12) #12 is the base pin for TV output which is
correct for the demo-board and in TV_TEXT.SPIN I found
the line
longmove(@tv_status, @tv_params, tv_count)
in the start routine.

In TV_TEXT.SPIN tv_params data is editable.
Do I have to set up these for NTSC broadcast on VHF?


  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2010-12-02 07:38
    Yes, you have to setup the parameters for broadcast. By default, they're set up for baseband NTSC video.

    Broadcast doesn't work very well. You need to set the frequency to as even a submultiple of the system clock frequency as possible and it helps if you have an antenna of the proper length for the frequency.

    The best I've gotten is a range of a few inches although others have gotten better results (a couple of feet).
  • CelticCeltic Posts: 9
    edited 2010-12-02 08:07
    This is the current setup
    can you paste a copy for NTSC broadcast
    setup for me to try?


    tv_params long 0 'status
    long 1 'enable
    long 0 'pins
    long %10010 'mode
    long 0 'screen
    long 0 'colors
    long cols 'hc
    long rows 'vc
    long 4 'hx
    long 1 'vx
    long 0 'ho
    long 0 'vo
    long 0 'broadcast
    long 0 'auralcog
  • AribaAriba Posts: 2,690
    edited 2010-12-04 08:42
    To enable TV Text for Broadcast, change the line in the start methode, which sets the tv_pin parameter to:
    tv_pins := (basepin & $38) << 1 | (basepin & 4 == 4) & %0100 | (basepin & 4 <> 4) & %0001

    and in the tv_params, you postet before, set the broadcast value to something like 60_000_000. This is the RF frequency of the carrier and should match to a channel of your TV. As Mike said, it works best if the frequency is a multiple of the crystal frequency.

    If I put a wire (0.3 meter or so) at the TV out and a second at the RF input, it works over several meters. But the quality is not very good, a black background helps a bit.

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