Is Microsoft Robotics Studio Dead? Your Opinion
Posts: 726
Im just trying to get everyones opinion?
From what I've read he is now here:
And so M$ and Tandy have made their splashes, been disappointed that they can't make a quick, high margin buck, and then disappeared. Tandy/Radio Shack has bounced in and out at least twice over the past few years.
In sum, you really have to be like Parallax and know your stuff in order to survive. And at times, it just isn't easy. There are a lot of things that have to be done right before you are appreciated.
I don't know. I think I can answer this with several answers.
1) Robotics is an expensive field. Anyone trying to add motors to a robot knows what I'm talking about. You have to have a job because its something that adults or parents can afford.
2) Microcontrollers have a lot of competitition for a small percentage of customers.
3) I don't know of forums or clubs that promote Microsoft in Robotics. In a sense, when you think of Microsoft, you think of Windows, operating systems, Internet Explorer and programs. They have almost typecast themselves.
4) When I hear about "Robotics Studio" then it sounds like there is a program to learn to run microcontrollers which adds a layer for people to learn when you need to know the basics to get started.
5) Understanding the heirarchy of a company is not always easy. I stopped getting involved with Microsoft products because of the way I do business. When your support is web based and when a company doesn't have a lot of employees to answer the phone, you get these kind of automated replies that shows a company doesn't always understand your problem. I had a problem with google and bugs with their services. Instead of listening to the problem, their secretary keep pointing me back to their online instructions that doesn't understand that they've created a bug. You can write to google but you can't find a list of contacts beyond their office address or secretary because I feel they don't really want to be contacted because they're busy.
6) Robotics isn't their main thing so they default to their screensaver 'so to speak' which is Operating Systems, Internet Exporer and Bing.
In fact, we've been expanding the use of MSRS into fields people haven't though of. I think you'd be amazed at some of the places it's been implemented. In R3 (the latest version) we also lowered the price for all versions to free which made it even more compelling!
Parallax BoeBot is one of the out of the box supported platforms for MSRS as well. I personally use my iRobot Create and a BoeBot for most of my toying around with it. I've actually implemented it in my car as well to do some fun things. I worked on an episode of "Pimp My Ride" where we implemented it in the truck to help control all the automation features of the audio/video system as well as some of the extra features like the digital dash board.
You can learn more as well as can download the latest bits here:
Do get me wrong I like MS but it seems nobody is using it so finding help is hard.
Is there a social (message board) for this platform or just web based support?
[STRIKEOUT]No, that's not true, we actually include the Manifests for the BoeBot with the installation. Look in the config folder for them.[/STRIKEOUT]
Hmmm... I guess I was wrong... we don't include the manifest files in the lastest version... I'm not sure why. Anyway, the old manifests for the BoeBot (from 1.0 and 1.5) will work just fine. Apparently, since I already had them installed in my computer, the new version just allowed me to use them. (I haven't noticed any problems, but if you do, the forum actually has a few easy steps to get them to work again.)
However, just because it's not "included" doesn't mean it doesn't work. In fact, ANY robot will work with MSRS, since it's really just providing the logic services for the platform.
Here is our forum:
I would call myself not beeing guided a lot by prejudice. Somehow with M$-products this is different. "Studio": to me this sounds like 10 time more options than in M$-word.
Buggy, behaving strange, taking 30 hours to get a somehow overview of how it works.
compared to this "prejudice-picture" the propeller-tool is supereasy. 12-blocks is supereasy.
Of course loading the boebot-demofile might be easy. (even I doubt that I just install robotic studio finding the option to choose boebot-platform within one minute)
But how about I want the boebot to do 1.) ...., 2.)..... 3.).... My expectation about M$-products for this task is: Will be dammned annoying and taking several hours.
Sorry to write all this. Maybe it's all different with the MSRS. But I have been disappointed so much by M$-products. That I can't believe it any more. It disapointed me so much that it keeps me away from
even testing it for 5 minutes.
Do you know the tool named "Everything" ? Even if you have 5 Million files spread over 5 harddisks and you are using a old celeron notebook. It will filter and find filenames faster than you can type the characters.
And it keeps his database updated in REALTIME!!
it is a REAL BIG SHAME that microsoft isn't able to implement such a great and fast searchtool by themself !!!! What do they do? Keep indexing files at startup eating up 98% percent of CPU-power!
Are they even testing their software on medium actual medium clocked PC's? To me it seems they do only testing it on HIGH-perfomance servers with nothing else installed but windows and MS-office.
anyway best regards
Thank you for answering my question.
I'm more confused because the forum is in sequential order and I would have to go through 60 pages or 982 messages because they aren't grouped by topic.
I don't know what boards the software works with or where to get them.
I found this on the Microsoft forum under how to get started:
"How I can begin working with MRDS?"
"1. Learn C#.
"2. Learn Visual Studio.
"3. Learn Programming in the process.
"4. Buy this book and read it 5 times..."Developer-Studio.productCd-0470141077.html
"You're DONE :)The guy's answer may sound silly or flippant, but I've come to the same conclusion.
"The programming model takes some practice but I like it. Be prepared for a couple weeks of mental fog."
It sounds like you have to pretty much have to have too much time on your hands. I only heard about one microcontroller board I might like to think about but the above list makes it sound unappealing and I'm still further clueless as to where to get the board.
It definetly takes a little time to get used to the concepts, but once that happens, you'll quickly realize that it's not about the robot at all, but what you want the robot to do.
For example... most robots (the classic kind) are either stationary or movable. If it's movable, you generally want it to move in a particular direction... like Forward, Backwards, Turn Left or Turn Right. In MSRS, you define those actions (actually, that's already done for you) and give those commands to a service that "converts" them into the appropriate movement commands for the particular robot you are using.
That way, when you upgrade from a wheeled robot to a tracked robot... the base core logic of the robot doesn't change.... you're still telling it to move in a particular direction... it's just that the service that handles it does it in a slightly different way depending on the robot chassis. We've defined a bunch of "chassis" styles that can be adpated (or will run unmodified) for the various types of robots out there.
The Parallax BoeBot and the iRobot Create are two very different robots, however, you can program them the same exact way... abstracting out the differences via the services. You can then tie in other things... like cameras, joysticks, sensors, etc. the same generic way.
Also, the language is a bit odd, too. Most developers will actually start out with VPL (Visual Programming Language.) VPL is very similar to Hanno's 12 Blocks, in that you drag and drop services together and connect them with data/commands. It allows you to reuse functionallity quickly and easly between different robots.
As an example, I have several "basic services" components that I use... vision processing for example. One is a "line follower" service that has the logic built in. If I need to build a robot with line following... I simply drag that component into my VPL, set a couple properties on it and it's done. I have a generic "line tracker" object that allows me to use other services like a camera or a simple photodiode/led system to do my line tracking. Either sensor plugs into the generic line tracker service interface so that any robot can use the same logic.
By the way, you also don't actually need a real robot... you can construct the entire thing virtually (3d models) and run it in our simulation environment as well. You can build the entire robot and test every feature before you cut a single real wire assembling it. It's pretty cool.
I'm still using my EBT500... which hasn't quit working, so there is no reason to replace it for me.
However... take a look at this for a hint:
Might be after the holidays, however, as I have a ton of work to do until then.
After reading posts on the forum I understand that most don’t know where to begin looking for the Microsoft Robotics Studio and Boe-Bot; links on how to getting them to work together. Version 1.2 of MSRS has the C# code “part” for the Boe-Bot, but its not available anymore, as I understand. That doesn’t mean its all lost, these two links can get you started in making the required code. The 1st link has BS2 code for the ARobot from Arrick Robotics, the ARobot uses a Basic Stamp 2 for its microprocessor , and it also uses a coprocessors for it sensors and another one for the motors and one for steering……so the BS2 code has to be remade for the Boe-Bot witch only has one. The 2nd link is for the Boe-Bot from Parallax, it’s the Basic Stamp 2 code that communicates with MSRS Version 1.2. This code is made for a Bluetooth model not sold anymore this code has to be remade to communicate with the Boe-Bot……In All these codes can be usefull in making the new BS2 Driver for the Boe-Bot……..happy programming!!
*Note in the 1st link: the code for the ARobot is in Chapter 7 (the ARobot communicates with a Serial Cable): and Chapter 8 builds on top of it to make a internet security camera app. The Chapter 7 code for the ARobot comes 3 ways: the ARobot Folder contains the C# 2005 Visual Studio code, the DriveARobotByWire Folder contains the MSRS code v1.2, next to it is the BS.2 driver for the Basic Stam2.......I've tested them on MSRS (R2), and (R3), also in C# 2008 and C# 2010 express editions and they work of course they need to be updated. The BS.2 code works with the Basic Stamp 2 just needs modding for the Boe-Bot.
Actually, you don't have to do any of that. The code is actually all done. :-)
You can download the code for the ProMSRS book. You can go here: and download their sample code, which includes the updated BoeBot manifests for the latest version of MSRS. It is still using the BlueTooth stack, however, it's quite simple to change the "microcode" for the BoeBot (which is included) to point to a serial port instead of the BlueTooth serial port. (From 1 to 16, if I remember correctly.)
Then you simply remove the "BlueTooth Service" from your code and instead use the "Simple Serial Port" service instead. You can replace the serial cable with any wireless version you want too... the code should work without modification after that.