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SMS in tv

KARIM102KARIM102 Posts: 75
edited 2010-12-08 14:00 in Learn with BlocklyProp
Dear all,
Does anyone have idea how the sms showed in the tv? like some channel, they said send a sms by your phone and u would see it in the tv channel??/

best regards


  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2010-12-01 11:20
    SMS (short message service) has nothing to do with TV.

    SMS allows short messages (up to 160 characters) to be communicated using a cell phone's control channel (rather than the voice channel). This control channel is normally used to identify the phone to the cell tower and to supply the information used to initiate a call.
  • KARIM102KARIM102 Posts: 75
    edited 2010-12-08 06:37
    thanks you Mr Green, i have a other question, can you use another language in basic stamp? to print it in the debug or LCD display other then English??? "Japanese or Arabic or other language?
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2010-12-08 07:05
    It depends on your display (PC or LCD). As far as the Stamp is concerned, it just outputs a string of bytes with values from 0 to 255 (with some of the values from 0-31 having special functions). The display has one or more fonts that map byte values into groups of dots (pixels). Most display controllers come with a built-in font for English with additional characters for other European languages. Some displays may come with Japanese (Katakana) characters as well. Chinese, Japanese (Hiragana and Kanji), and Arabic are more difficult because of the number of characters or complexity of the written language. One of the reasons for changing to Unicode (a 16-bit character representation) was to allow for easy computer representation of these large / complex character sets.

    In any event, the Stamp can output any stream of byte values. If you can come up with a sequence of byte values that your display will use to produce a message in Kanji or Arabic, you can use a Stamp to produce that sequence of byte values. If you mean "Can I type one of these languages directly into my Parallax Basic program and have it appear in my DEBUG window?", then the answer is 'probably not'. As far as I know, the Stamp Editor cannot use Unicode for character strings since each character in a string is assumed to have a value of 0 to 255 only.
  • KARIM102KARIM102 Posts: 75
    edited 2010-12-08 14:00
    nice description!!!! thanks a lot... you give me a good picture about the stamp!
    so if my LCD can presesnt these languages, so it's easly that i can type on them!!
    i plan to buy Backpack and used with stamp and me the tv as output to my writing! do you think i would work???

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