S2 robots are now at Parallax. . .proof is provided!
Ken Gracey
Posts: 7,401
Approximately 270 S2 robots are about to be received into our inventory, pending a final spot-check of a sample by our Propeller engineer Daniel Harris. There's no shortage of detailed test procedures, factory audits, or spot tests by Parallax Hong Kong engineers, but it's always good to take a final look before we share this robot with the world.
Although we have 340 on backorder by customers, a large number go to institutions who we will supply in January, so after we process the immediate backorders we have about 134 units left in our inventory. That's right - about 134 units for the Christmas holiday (not very many). These will be gone by Friday, so if you want one of them I suggest you place an order today.
I wish we had more units in stock this month, but it doesn't make much sense to buy airline tickets for S2s.
About 4,700 more S2s arrive at Parallax on December 29th.
Ken Gracey
Parallax Inc.
Approximately 270 S2 robots are about to be received into our inventory, pending a final spot-check of a sample by our Propeller engineer Daniel Harris. There's no shortage of detailed test procedures, factory audits, or spot tests by Parallax Hong Kong engineers, but it's always good to take a final look before we share this robot with the world.
Although we have 340 on backorder by customers, a large number go to institutions who we will supply in January, so after we process the immediate backorders we have about 134 units left in our inventory. That's right - about 134 units for the Christmas holiday (not very many). These will be gone by Friday, so if you want one of them I suggest you place an order today.
I wish we had more units in stock this month, but it doesn't make much sense to buy airline tickets for S2s.
About 4,700 more S2s arrive at Parallax on December 29th.
Ken Gracey
Parallax Inc.
Looks like there should be 280 S2s there, seven tie x five high x two pallets x four S2s per box = 280 S2s.
If you need to you can toss the extra ten in with my order if it will help keep your internal numbers straight.
Rich H
Well, everybody needs something to do when the relatives show up, right?
Isn't that the truth. My wife's side of the family is coming to our house this year that means almost 40 people. You have convinced me Ken I'm going to order an S2 if my wife will let me
Other JIT4 Christmas robots:
PLEO shipped so late in 2007 that most people received them from Amazon on Christmas eve.
Furby was the hot toy for Christmas 1998, rare and very hard to find. Radio stations were throwing them out of helicopters on parachutes over crowded malls. Seemed to bring out the best in desperate, frenzied holiday shoppers... NOT!
It was a good decision to fly some over. (Just wondering what the price per S2 was for the flight ? Maybe I don't want to know...). This gets them into the hands of the earlier adopters (us geeks/nerds/propeller heads) and hopefully we can get some good code/demos published by the end of Dec.
I'm can't wait...I'm like a little kid on Christmas morning...You simply MUST have pictures of the S2 under a Christmas Tree. The color is spot-on for the season. I predict BIG things for the S2, it's a really nice robot.
Even though I've read this thread and posted to it.
This thread is titled -
S2 robots are now at Parallax. . .proof is provided!
but just moments ago, this is what I "saw"...
$2 robots are now at Parallax. . .proof is provided!
I couldn't wait to read the thread, then I realized... oops!
Hey Bean! The unit cost for air travel is about $8/S2 on a 747 when 280 S2s travel on two pallets. We probably should have shipped more over by air, but I truly feel that it's wasteful and not practical in some ways. Part of my concern is the actual cost, but more the total impracticality or inability to justify such a maneuver.
They're solar-powered Grassshoppers, like Hexbugs & Bristlebots. Wow, they work well. I offered the seller $9 for 3 of them and he took it. Great stocking stuffers!
Edit: Here are some for $1.99 shipped. I ordered more. http://cgi.ebay.com/Solar-Energy-Grasshopper-funning-gadget-office-school-/120654852446?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1c1796f15e
@Ken: Isn't your $8 airshipping cost is about what you would have paid for the cable and USB adapter? Things have a way of evening out.
I imported a dozen bicycles from China last year, they came over on a giant cargo container ship; I had to go through customs and an importer to get them. What surprised me was that simply getting them UNLOADED from the ship in Long Beach cost more than the total cost of import duties & fees plus all delivery costs from China, overland plus sea shipping.
I should have been a longshoreman.
Edit: Those wacky Parallaxians included a free USB adapter & cable. Another Festivus MIRACLE!
They look a little boxy to me.
Now there's a Gerber moment!!
Great pic of the twins and the S2. Give them all a Sharpie and see who can scribble the best...
Fantastic pictures. Thanks for sharing.
I just got approval for a S3 to celebrate the autumnal equinox.
I told my wife I wanted a S3 and told her I didn't really need one. I said maybe I could us some event as an excuse to purchase one. I was thinking Halloween or Thanksgiving but she came up with the equinox.
Great photos erco - now get playing!
That's my girl! I'm sure she was inspired by this bachelor party gift I recently made.