Which micro for me?

Hello Parallax forum!
I am quite new to this microprocessor world and would like some advice on which micro I should consider for my first project. I am installing a wall mounted 0-Gauge model train system in my kid's adjoining bedrooms. I would like to give each kid an RF keyfob to control the train (start, stop, etc) in their specific room (the track will have switch tracks to controll the train to pass throught the wall or remain in one of the two rooms). Mommy and Daddy need a third RF keyfob to exert their authority when needed.
I have found some relatively inexpensive keyfobs (Linx Technologies) so now I am onto figuring out how best to centralize the control of the train and the track. Ideally I need about 8 outputs and 16-17 inputs (RF signals and some track sensors) for a total of about 24-25 I/O pins. I assume the micro's pin outputs will be able to drive a Darlington array which will ultimately control some relays for the track outputs. I am also interested in using the train as an "alarm clock" in the morning so would like to have the micro "wakeup" at a specified time.
A very, very long time ago I recall programming in assembly, but would much rather use something higher level to do the code as I would like to minimize the time needed to develop a working system. We currently have a PC but will be migrating soon to an Apple laptop so I also want to be sure I can program the micro using the new computer without buying expensive software (does Parallax support OS X?).
So given that brief description of what I am trying to accomplish what would be a good choice for the micro itself (Basic Stamp or Propeller)?
I am quite new to this microprocessor world and would like some advice on which micro I should consider for my first project. I am installing a wall mounted 0-Gauge model train system in my kid's adjoining bedrooms. I would like to give each kid an RF keyfob to control the train (start, stop, etc) in their specific room (the track will have switch tracks to controll the train to pass throught the wall or remain in one of the two rooms). Mommy and Daddy need a third RF keyfob to exert their authority when needed.
I have found some relatively inexpensive keyfobs (Linx Technologies) so now I am onto figuring out how best to centralize the control of the train and the track. Ideally I need about 8 outputs and 16-17 inputs (RF signals and some track sensors) for a total of about 24-25 I/O pins. I assume the micro's pin outputs will be able to drive a Darlington array which will ultimately control some relays for the track outputs. I am also interested in using the train as an "alarm clock" in the morning so would like to have the micro "wakeup" at a specified time.
A very, very long time ago I recall programming in assembly, but would much rather use something higher level to do the code as I would like to minimize the time needed to develop a working system. We currently have a PC but will be migrating soon to an Apple laptop so I also want to be sure I can program the micro using the new computer without buying expensive software (does Parallax support OS X?).
So given that brief description of what I am trying to accomplish what would be a good choice for the micro itself (Basic Stamp or Propeller)?
Based on your number of inputs I suspect that will be the direction to look.
Lots of programming examples available and a real-time clock can be added with a dedicated chip (DS1302).
There are examples in the Nuts and Volts Column #6 (use the Resources tab on the main webpage ... you'll see a link to the index) of the use of Darlington arrays with a Stamp and the Propeller would work the same way.
SparkFun has a real-time-clock "breakout board" that includes all the pieces you'd need including a backup battery. There are examples of the use of this chip with both a Stamp and a Propeller. Start with the Nuts and Volts column on the subject.
Basic stamp Pros -
- Learning the Basic stamp was super easy, And basic is a common language.
- Documentation is abundant with every thing from protocol guides to industrial control documentation. Check the cd out its free to download.
- it uses bits and nibs for variable sizes
Basic stamp cons -
- its 8 bit
- its much more expensive and less powerful
Propeller Pros -
its 32 bit
its 8 processors in 1 chip
its fast at 80Mhz and assembly is like 4 clock cycles per command
its less than $15 with eprom and crystal
it has several languages to program in including Assembly(hands down the fastest)
Its manual is well written and their are good documents on programing it.
their is the object library with code you can freely use and modify or just learn from.
Propeller Cons -
it don't use bits or nibs as variable sizes
Both are well supported and made by a great company.
Honestly I would still get a stamp to play with even if you decide to go with the prop just because its a fun chip to program with.
I have one other question regarding the RF receiver which I think Ill post separately.
Thanks again for your thoughtful inputs!