Propeller Platform USB Now @ Adafruit
I've been working on this for a while - the Propeller Platform USB is now available @ Adafruit! They're also carrying the ProtoPlus module. Adafruit offers reasonable shipping & they're on the east coast. They also offer expedited shipping, which is handy if you need equipment quickly.
Here's the current list of distributors;
* USA: Adafruit, Parallax
* Europe: Spinvent (UK) Watterott (DE)
As of today, there are just over 500 Propeller Platforms in the wild. I've made a few addon modules, but there are plenty that have yet to be designed (A few: XBee, a nice motor controller, GPS, bluetooth, RFID, IMU). Templates in Eagle, ExpressPCB, and Diptrace along with design notes are available right here. If anyone makes & sells an addon module, let me know and I'll help promote it!
Here's the current list of distributors;
* USA: Adafruit, Parallax
* Europe: Spinvent (UK) Watterott (DE)
As of today, there are just over 500 Propeller Platforms in the wild. I've made a few addon modules, but there are plenty that have yet to be designed (A few: XBee, a nice motor controller, GPS, bluetooth, RFID, IMU). Templates in Eagle, ExpressPCB, and Diptrace along with design notes are available right here. If anyone makes & sells an addon module, let me know and I'll help promote it!
You know is New York she's a big deal.
I think this will give you allot more exposure!
Great resource to have on your side.. You'll have to redirect here forums to your's or here..
It sounds like you are really doing well with the Propeller platform! How hard was it to work with new distributors? I'd like to do something similar with my I2C EEPROM bank switch adapters:
If that is something you think you'd be interested in selling on your Gadget Gangster site let me know.
I also have some nice BS2p40 OEM boards and a carrier board for the SX48 chips as well.
@KPR - I started with a ybox2 myself. Adafruit is a significant Arduino reseller, so I'm also excited to see them add a Propeller development tool.
@Robert - the easy (easier) part is getting distribution. The real work starts once you have it. Distributors don't want product to sit on the shelf. But so far, sales have been very good. Adafruit has sold 20 units since Thursday. Parallax has also sold a bunch.
I got a pm suggestion to put together a list of all Propeller Platform modules & accessories. I'll definitely do that, here's what I have so far:
The Shoppe @ Wulfden has 2 Propeller Platform Modules (VGA board, Servo board), Ray has 3 (Touchscreen, mono LCD, PTP, Accelerometer for Original Propeller Platform), Propmodule did 2 (Tester, Universal Adapter), and schill has done some awesome cases. Anyone I'm missing?
All the modules I've done are here. I've been working with Jazzed on a few modules, but I don't have anything else on the docket. I think an Xbee module would sell well. So would a GPS module or a sensor module - the door is wide open for the more enterprising forum members to make some money!
good news , we have now european distributors !
I like this platform and use it with kids. May be with analog input pins in the future ?
Hope also an IMU module , many people seem to work with gyros or accelerometers in a quad project on this forum but dont desribe an IMU module as with the arduino.
Jean Paul
Really, my goal is to develop the installed base - except for Jazzed's modules, I don't have any designs on my plate. I don't have the resources (or creativity, or design skill) to develop all the modules that people would want. Having 3rd party modules helps me sell more Propeller Platforms, too - that's also why I haven't done several modules that would be pretty easy & profitable.
The Arduino Shield Adapter that I have been working with is almost ready.
It works with all shields I have tried, including motor control shields.