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PASM - Writing to HUB RAM — Parallax Forums

PASM - Writing to HUB RAM

lanternfishlanternfish Posts: 366
edited 2010-11-28 17:39 in Propeller 1
Hi all. A bit of a newbiewith PASM so bear with me.

I have an annoying issue with writing a 'table' to HUB RAM. I can't see where I have gone wrong and thought (a) fresh brain(s) could help.

Attached is PASM to read RGB data from a FIFO buffer (no addressing needed). The data format is 00000000_00rrrrrr_00gggggg_00bbbbbb. The FIFO RD pulse is on P7.

The first major part of the code reads in the data and stores it in COG RAM from $100. This appears to work fine.

PUB Main
 {Launch cog to DecimatePixels}

  cognew(@ReadFIFO, 0) 'Launch new cog

 _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x
 _xinfreq = 5_000_000

                         org 0                              'Begin at Cog RAM addr 0

ReadFIFO                mov     dira, FIFOReadPin           'Set P7 output (FIFO RD pulse +ve)
                        mov     outa, #0                    'P7 Low
GetRGBData              xor     outa, FIFOReadPin           'P7 High
                        nop                                 'Wait for data to settle                                    
'                        mov     RGBValue, ina               'Read RGB value from FIFO and store at address RGBAddress
                        mov     RGBValue, PseudoIna         'Store pseudo-ina data at address RGBAddress 
                        xor     outa, FIFOReadPin           'P7 Low
WriteTable              movd    WriteRGB, COGPointer        'Prepare self modifying code that  
                        nop                                 'will write RGB data to COG RAM
WriteRGB                mov     0-0, RGBValue               'Write RGB data to COG RAM

                        add     COGPointer, #1              'Point to next COG RAM address
                        djnz    PixelCounter, #GetRGBData   'If PixelCounter not zero then repeat @ GetRGBData

SignalNextCog           wrbyte  NextCOG, COGSync            'COGSynch Address = $1FFF: HUB RAM Cog Synch address

The second major part (below) reads two longs from COG RAM, averages the two bytes and is meant to store it in HUB RAM from $0000. It doesn't! It stores it from $100 and the number of longs stored is inconsistent. It should be 100.
DecimatePixels          mov     PixelCounter, #100          'Get ready to read 200 RGB longs (2 at a time)
                        mov     COGPointer, #$100
DecimateLoop            movs    RGBRead1, HUBPointer        'Prepare self modifying code that
                        nop                                 'will read 1st RGB long from COG RAM
RGBRead1                mov     RGBValue, 0-0               'Read 1st RGB long from COG RAM

                        add     COGPointer, #1              'Next COG RAM address

                        movs    RGBRead2, COGPointer        'Prepare self modifying code that
                        nop                                 'will read 2nd RGB long from COG RAM
RGBRead2                mov     RGB2Value, 0-0              'Read 2nd RGB long from COG RAM

DecimatePixel           add     RGBValue, RGB2Value         'Add 1st and 2nd RGB longs
                        shr     RGBValue, #1                'Divide by 2 (get average of two longs)
RGB2Table               movd    RGB2HUB, HUBPointer         'Prepare self modifying code that
                        nop                                 'will write RGB long to HUB RAM
RGB2HUB                 wrlong  RGBValue, HUBPointer        'Write RGB data to [B]HUB[/B] RAM

                        add     HUBPointer, #4              'Point to next HUB RAM long address
                        djnz    PixelCounter, #DecimateLoop 'If PixelCounter not zero then repeat @ DecimateLoop

ForeverLoop             jmp     #ForeverLoop

PseudoIna               long %00000000_00101010_00010101_00101010
NextCOG                 byte 2
COGSync                 long $1FFF
FIFOReadPin             long |< 7           
PixelCounter            long 200
COGPointer              long $100
RGBValue                long $0000
RGB2Value               long $0000

Any advice with sorting this problem will be much appreciated.

EDIT: Corrected HUB RAM - COG RAM comment error (as pointed out by Ale #2)


  • AleAle Posts: 2,363
    edited 2010-11-27 23:43
    Quick quick I see that HUBPointer variable where it should be COGPointer...

    And this part...
    RGB2Table               movd    RGB2HUB, HUBPointer         'Prepare self modifying code that
                            nop                                 'will write RGB long to HUB RAM
    RGB2HUB                 wrlong  RGBValue, HUBPointer        'Write RGB data to COG RAM

    WIll change the d-field of wrlong (it is the source, that is constant in your program, RGBValue).

    It should be...
    RGB2HUB                 wrlong  RGBValue, HUBPointer        'Write RGB data to COG RAM

  • lanternfishlanternfish Posts: 366
    edited 2010-11-28 00:05
    I think I see it now:
    RGB2HUB                 wrlong  RGBValue, 0-0        'Write RGB data to COG RAM

    Will try it out.
  • lanternfishlanternfish Posts: 366
    edited 2010-11-28 00:24
    Should it have been:
    RGB2Table               movs    RGB2HUB, HUBPointer         'Prepare self modifying code that
                            nop                                 'will write RGB long to HUB RAM
    RGB2HUB                 wrlong  RGBValue, 0-0       'Write RGB data to HUB RAM
  • lanternfishlanternfish Posts: 366
    edited 2010-11-28 00:29
    That didn't work either.
  • AleAle Posts: 2,363
    edited 2010-11-28 01:45
    If you do not use #, then it will be indirect (you pass an address where the real address is). The varibale HUBPointer will have the destination address used by wrlong.

    Use it as I wrote above. Here is the simulation, it did two cycles through the loop

    Edit: **** NOTE *** There is a variable in COG RAM that is of byte size... make it long !
  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2010-11-28 01:46
    Untested. Where do you define HUBPointer? Also, writing to hub starting at 0 isn't necessarily a good idea unless you know what you're doing ;)
    DecimatePixels          mov     PixelCounter, #100          'Get ready to read 200 RGB longs (2 at a time)
                            mov     COGPointer, #$100
    DecimateLoop            movs    RGBRead1, [COLOR="Red"]COGPointer[/COLOR]        'Prepare self modifying code that
                            nop                                 'will read 1st RGB long from COG RAM
    RGBRead1                mov     RGBValue, 0-0               'Read 1st RGB long from COG RAM
                            add     COGPointer, #1              'Next COG RAM address
                            movs    RGBRead2, COGPointer        'Prepare self modifying code that
                            nop                                 'will read 2nd RGB long from COG RAM
    RGBRead2                mov     RGB2Value, 0-0              'Read 2nd RGB long from COG RAM
    [COLOR="Red"]                        add     COGPointer, #1              'Next COG RAM address[/COLOR]
    DecimatePixel           add     RGBValue, RGB2Value         'Add 1st and 2nd RGB longs
                            shr     RGBValue, #1                'Divide by 2 (get average of two longs)
    [s]RGB2Table               movd    RGB2HUB, HUBPointer         'Prepare self modifying code that[/s]
                            [s]nop                                 'will write RGB long to HUB RAM[/s]
    RGB2HUB                 wrlong  RGBValue, HUBPointer        'Write RGB data to [B]HUB[/B] RAM
                            add     HUBPointer, #4              'Point to next HUB RAM long address
                            djnz    PixelCounter, #DecimateLoop 'If PixelCounter not zero then repeat @ DecimateLoop
    ForeverLoop             jmp     #ForeverLoop
    PseudoIna               long %00000000_00101010_00010101_00101010
    NextCOG                 byte 2
    COGSync                 long $1FFF
    FIFOReadPin             long |< 7           
    PixelCounter            long 200
    COGPointer              long $100
    RGBValue                long $0000
    RGB2Value               long $0000
  • AleAle Posts: 2,363
    edited 2010-11-28 01:58
    I thought he did not copy that particular variable.

    Lanternfisch: You need COGPointer as kuroenko showed (that is what I meant above !, not the comment.... I didn't see the comment, because it doesn't get compiled!)
  • lanternfishlanternfish Posts: 366
    edited 2010-11-28 13:26
    @ kuroneko & Ale.

    I am at work when I read this so will fix my code when I get home. Thanks for finding my mistakes. Obvious when I look at it with a clear head and no distractions.

    The Propellor is quite a shift from my previous coal-fired processor assembler experience (Z80, 6502) 100 years ago.
  • lanternfishlanternfish Posts: 366
    edited 2010-11-28 17:39
    Ended loading Prop Tool and Gear on work laptop. All sims great. Thanks so much. Now on to the other bits & bytes.
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