All Objects in OBEX Ready For Hosting
I have downloaded all of the objects from the OBEX. The folder is current as of this posting, the most recent object being LED Charlieplexer by Drew. It is roughly 40 megs zipped, 90 megs extracted. Due to forum limitations, I am unable to attach this because of its size (please correct me if I am wrong).
I do not presently have a way to host this, so if there is anyone out there who is willing to do so, and keep it current, please PM me, and I will be happy to send you the file. I would like this to be maintained, so if you are not sure you will follow through, or don't have the time to keep it current, please let someone else shoulder the responsibility.
A quick and painless way to unzip all files at once is 7-Zip ( - open source). You can highlight all zipped files / folders and unzip them all to their individual folders. It will also extract the two .rar files in the OBEX.
I keep a quick link in my toolbar that brings up the OBEX, sorted with the most recent posting first, so it's always easy to check for a new posting. Just a thought for the potential host person.
I've lurked here for a while (last posting was when DeSilva was around), so I don't believe that this is out there, but if I missed it, my apologies.
One last thing - please don't deluge me with requests for this if you are not willing to host it. I'm sure someone will, be patient.
I do not presently have a way to host this, so if there is anyone out there who is willing to do so, and keep it current, please PM me, and I will be happy to send you the file. I would like this to be maintained, so if you are not sure you will follow through, or don't have the time to keep it current, please let someone else shoulder the responsibility.
A quick and painless way to unzip all files at once is 7-Zip ( - open source). You can highlight all zipped files / folders and unzip them all to their individual folders. It will also extract the two .rar files in the OBEX.
I keep a quick link in my toolbar that brings up the OBEX, sorted with the most recent posting first, so it's always easy to check for a new posting. Just a thought for the potential host person.
I've lurked here for a while (last posting was when DeSilva was around), so I don't believe that this is out there, but if I missed it, my apologies.
One last thing - please don't deluge me with requests for this if you are not willing to host it. I'm sure someone will, be patient.
There was an earlier post requesting this, and what I got from Parallax (Ken), was that they already had a lot of things with a higher priority that they haven't had time to get to. They accomplish a tremendous amount given the size of the company - it's pretty impressive actually.
if it is 40 megs we could host it via dropbox, offering it in a shared folder.
A dropbox account up to 2Gb if free.. I don't expect a bandwidth bottleneck.
I added the latest file from yesterday, so it is up to date.
I suggest using 7-zip as Hanes sugested. Works great!
the obex in a repository (like git or svn). As "git" is decentral, it could
be maintained by various object developers and simply pushed to one (or
more) public servers.
More info on that topic: