Electronics/technical Books for sale or trade
Cleaning out some bookcases. Looking for $2 apiece; postage for a single hardcover book across Canada or USA is about $12. Paypal is best.
PM with any questions or trading propositions.
book - Quick Basic, The Complete Reference, V. 4.5 by Nameroff
book - QuickBASIC 4.5 by Cornell
book - The Complete Idiots Guide to Windows 2000 by McFedries
book - Stamp 2 Communications and Control Projects by Petruzzellis
book - Windows 95 and NT 4.0 Registry and Customization Handbook by Hunnicutt
book - Microcontroller projects with Basic Stamps by Williams
book - MP3 The Definitive Guide by Hacker
book - The Essentials of C by Ackermann
book - 507 Mechanical Movements by Brown
book - Guide to Electronic Measurements and Laboratory Practice - by Wolf
book - Digital Logic and Computer Design - by Mano
book - Learn C Now by Hansen
book - Machine and Assembly Programming of the PDP-11 by Gill
book - The Giant Handbook of Electronic Circuits by Collins
book - Encyclopedia of Electronic Circuits, Vol 2 by Graf
book - Encyclopedia of Electronic Circuits, Vol 3 by Graf
book - Master Handbook of 1000 Practical Electronic Circuits by Sessions
book - Master Handbook of 1000 MORE Practical Electronic Circuits by Fair
book - IC Timer Handbook with 100 projects and experiments by Carr
book - A Picture History of the Automobile by Lock
book - The Wonderful World of Automobiles 1895-1930 by Schroeder
book - The Great Auto Trivia Book by Frumkin
book - Unusual Vintage Tractors by Wendel
PM with any questions or trading propositions.
book - Quick Basic, The Complete Reference, V. 4.5 by Nameroff
book - QuickBASIC 4.5 by Cornell
book - The Complete Idiots Guide to Windows 2000 by McFedries
book - Stamp 2 Communications and Control Projects by Petruzzellis
book - Windows 95 and NT 4.0 Registry and Customization Handbook by Hunnicutt
book - Microcontroller projects with Basic Stamps by Williams
book - MP3 The Definitive Guide by Hacker
book - The Essentials of C by Ackermann
book - 507 Mechanical Movements by Brown
book - Guide to Electronic Measurements and Laboratory Practice - by Wolf
book - Digital Logic and Computer Design - by Mano
book - Learn C Now by Hansen
book - Machine and Assembly Programming of the PDP-11 by Gill
book - The Giant Handbook of Electronic Circuits by Collins
book - Encyclopedia of Electronic Circuits, Vol 2 by Graf
book - Encyclopedia of Electronic Circuits, Vol 3 by Graf
book - Master Handbook of 1000 Practical Electronic Circuits by Sessions
book - Master Handbook of 1000 MORE Practical Electronic Circuits by Fair
book - IC Timer Handbook with 100 projects and experiments by Carr
book - A Picture History of the Automobile by Lock
book - The Wonderful World of Automobiles 1895-1930 by Schroeder
book - The Great Auto Trivia Book by Frumkin
book - Unusual Vintage Tractors by Wendel