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BASIC programing getting started — Parallax Forums

BASIC programing getting started

Solo460Solo460 Posts: 8
edited 2010-11-27 09:19 in BASIC Stamp
Main question:
Im interested in getting into programing and starting of with the bot bot kit but was wondering about the difficulty of learning the code. How hard is it for some one just starting and is it easy to leaarn to modify the code? Im willing to put the effort in but im scared that the coding will be to hard to learn.

Secondary questions:
Also how hard would the programing be to make a boe bot a micromouse that can figure out the quickest way through a maze?
How about programing to use Parralax's joystick to control a boe bots movement?

Just an interesting idea: A Boe bot that chases heat or fire.

Any thoughts on this matter is greatly Appreciated.
Austin Bryant


  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2010-11-27 09:08
    It's pretty easy. Download "What's a Microcontroller?" from Parallax and try out some of the exercises. If you download the Stamp Editor, this and other tutorials come with the help files.

    Regarding your secondary questions ...

    It might be easier to use an IR remote control and its arrow buttons to control the BoeBot. There's already lots of sample code for using an IR remote control with a BoeBot in a tutorial called "IR Remote for the BoeBot robot" (same link).

    Start with having the BoeBot follow a flashlight since it already comes with light sensors. Later you can add or substitute an IR temperature sensor.
  • Solo460Solo460 Posts: 8
    edited 2010-11-27 09:19
    Ok. Thank you for the information. I have not ordered the Boe Bot yet but porbably will this monday to get the thanksgiving deals. I just wanted to be sure that i would be able to learn the code before i bought the kit. Ive been really happy for all the support this forms have created. Its amazing that a company can be so inavative while at the same time being so helpful and friendly.

    Thank you for your help.
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