ignition coil high voltage side interfaced to stamp
ok i am planning on converting a gasoline motor over to diesel. i have done sone extensive research and i know most of what needs to be done. what i cant figure out how to do is to get the timed pulse to the fuel injectors. keep in mind i am going to be using a 1950 studebaker flathead motor so i have absolutely no onboard sensors or computer available to tap into.
my idea was to control the injectors via the spak plug wires because the spark plugs on a gas motor are set to fired at the same time as a diesel motor would inject fuel but i cant figure out a reliable way to interface the high voltage spark to a low voltage computer
my first idea was to use highvoltage solid state relays.
then i thought maybe i could use stage 2 transformers. (step down) into rectifers then to voltage regulators.
i also thought of using a crank shaft sensor to count the teeth on the flywheel and using a stamp or something to control it. any ideas
my idea was to control the injectors via the spak plug wires because the spark plugs on a gas motor are set to fired at the same time as a diesel motor would inject fuel but i cant figure out a reliable way to interface the high voltage spark to a low voltage computer
my first idea was to use highvoltage solid state relays.
then i thought maybe i could use stage 2 transformers. (step down) into rectifers then to voltage regulators.
i also thought of using a crank shaft sensor to count the teeth on the flywheel and using a stamp or something to control it. any ideas
As for triggering an injector, you could modify the distributor rotor to be an optical interrupter. A Hall effect sensor could also be adapted.
what material should i use would stainless steel work?
think put a turbo on would help the compression. (i like the way turbos sound coming out the exauhst lol)
i put some thought into it today and i might be able to build an inside-out armature so to speak. for the contacts in the distributor . it would be like putting the brushes on the shaft instead of the case.
i asked my grandfather what it would take to turn a gas motor to diesel and he tolod me more then i want to do. and you know that if someone says something like that ur gonna try it lol
If it's a 4cyl you might have a look at a mechanical injection pump from a 1.6-1.9L vw diesel. Those are run from a timing belt.
One other thought is to look around at some of the diesel forums out there. there was one were some one was trying to develop an aftermarket common rail setup to replace the mechanical injector pumps that are hard to find parts for.