What is required to write Android Apps ?

I just got a Nook color and the sales person at B&N said that they are going to have an app development kit and downloadable apps for it.
I know very little about android. What hardware and software is required to write android apps ? How hard is it ? I mean is it something to have to dedicate your life too ?
Thanks for any info,
I know very little about android. What hardware and software is required to write android apps ? How hard is it ? I mean is it something to have to dedicate your life too ?
Thanks for any info,
Get you Android development kit from here http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html.
On that site you will find lots of documentation, tutorials and such.
Its basically Eclipse. There is the ADT Eclipse plugin for download and debug. There is a simulator on which you can test your apps on the PC.
Android is designed to be programmed in Java so if you are familiar with that you are good to go. However Android does not use most of the familiar Java class library stuff. That was OK for me as I am not familiar with it anyway.
It is possible to use native C/C++ code in your apps and there is a separate SDK download for that.
I managed to get my first Android "Hello World" app up and running in a couple of hours just from whats on that site.
On the other hand there is http://nookdevs.com/Main which claims you can develop apps for the Nook like any other Android device with the the same dev kit.
You WILL be able to create and sell apps without users having to root their devices.
That's not a bad thing, as long as they also don't do anything to prevent more skilled people from "jailbreaking" the devices.
Some people don't have/need the skills to do that themselves and prefer to have a store... however, like you, some of us would like both options.
I really like and use google - but what is scary is the fragmentation of the Java spec into 2. One consequence of this is that to develop in android you essentially need 2 virtually identical VM's (one takes the .class bytecode further into .dex format) - as the android Eclipse IDE still needs a JVM (not it's Dalvik VM) to run on (one of SUN/Oracle hotspot, Oracle JRockit or the IBM J9). For developers, we need to maintain 2 codebases that likely will diverge (for example certified J2ME apps on the RIM Blackberry may not run on the Android VM or the opposite).
Imagine if there were 2 almost identical versions of SPIN - one certified and one from a 3rd party that we needed to maintain - we end up with 2 versions of SPIN bytecode VM tokens. We call this type of branching - double merging.
However, after all this, I still develop on Android because it is an excellent API that came out in record time and runs very well on Eclipse.
Disclaimer: These views are my own and do not represent in any way the position of my employer or committer base.
thank you
Android is not J2ME. J2ME apps will not run on Android. For this reason there is, for example, this http://www.assembla.com/wiki/show/j2ab
What is the problem with that? To develop C++ for, say ARM, I need two compilers, one to build my tools on x86 Linux and one to cross compile for ARM. Who cares what language or VM Eclipse uses as it runs on my Linux box? Further, you don't even need the Eclipse bloatware to develop for Android. Your favourite editor plus the Android SDK will do.
Android does not use a Java virtual machine. Android byte codes are not JVM byte codes. The VM architecture is very different and called "Dalvik".
True. Blame Sun and now Oracle for that. Android, it seems, is trying to set Java free.
No need to imagine. That is already the case with BradC's wonderful BST Spin compiler and Mpark's HomeSpun compiler. And what a God send they are. Imagine how stupid it would be if BradC and Mpark could not develop these things because of some stupid "lack of certification" issue?
John Abshier
OK, that's better:)