USB Servo Controller and Visual Basic
I tried to find any source that explain how to use the USB controller using Visual Basic without success. I'm trying to write a program similar to the PSC interface for the USB servo controller and unfortunately I can't really find what I'm doing wrong. Some sample source code will be very helpful.
I'm using VB5 on Windows XP and the propeller USB controller.
I tried to find any source that explain how to use the USB controller using Visual Basic without success. I'm trying to write a program similar to the PSC interface for the USB servo controller and unfortunately I can't really find what I'm doing wrong. Some sample source code will be very helpful.
I'm using VB5 on Windows XP and the propeller USB controller.
With that, you can then use simple Serial I/O with the MS Comm Control to access it.
I actually can talk with the USB controller. I'm using a Comm object and sending the messages is not the issue. The problem is the format of the message, the USB controller has a firmware that read the commands from the serial port and translate them in servo actions. I guess what I really need is a sample on how to format the messages.
I was able to talk to the servo and make it move but I can not understand the format for the High and Low bytes for servo positioning.