8GB Thumbdrive $13

Pre Black Friday stocking stuffer! Best prices I've seen recently are ~$2 per GB, or ~$16 for an 8GB drive, so this $13 thumbdrive is a good deal, plus it's a Kingston: http://cgi.ebay.com/Kingston-8GB-Datatraveler-G3-USB-Flash-Drive/380290708503?_trksid=p1468660.m2000036
$1.3 per GB
A lot of it comes directly from China, and not only is the logo fake, but often the memory doesn't work, either.
I have a small box full of Sandisk, Kingston, or any other brand you can name, in USB-stick, MS, SD and other formats that doesn't work, and never really did.
When you plug them into a computer they show up as 1GB, 4GB or even 8GB disks, and for a while they work... Then you add just another file, and pass the 128MB, 256MB or if you're lucky 512MB size of the memory that's really in there, and everything goes to H! in a handbasket. This is because at the factory they've hacked the controller chip to lie about the real size of the Flash.
It is sometimes possible to 'undo' the hack and get the chip to report the correct size to the OS, but as the chips used often comes from the reject pile...
I ONLY buy Flash memory from reputable stores these days.
(Most of the contents of the box is from relatives who thought they'd gotten a bargain, but a few were bought by me. )
Such a very amazing link!
Thanks you for the post.
Maxell (?) 16GB drive for $22: http://cgi.ebay.com/Maxell-16GB-USB-Flash-Drive/400175903742?_trksid=p1468660.m2000036