Hi everyone.
I have a project coming up and I need so resolve the following problem.
Can a propeller that is connected to a GSM (still to find correct model) when a sms is recieved decode the message and swicht the correct relay. I like to send very simple sms messages with a number in it to activate relays.(perhaps not only a number but a pssword and a number)
Any help is welcom.
I have a project coming up and I need so resolve the following problem.
Can a propeller that is connected to a GSM (still to find correct model) when a sms is recieved decode the message and swicht the correct relay. I like to send very simple sms messages with a number in it to activate relays.(perhaps not only a number but a pssword and a number)
Any help is welcom.
Thanks for the reaktion. I read the treath but it is only for sending sms. I 'm interested in the recieving sms and reaktion on the recieved message.
Has anybody knoladge of that? Some examples from where I could stard would be nice.
As you now from your daily experience with PCs you can do a lo of you have the right software.
It is the same with the propeller.
In the object-exchange there are several drivers for receiving serial data.
Even with very high baudrates (up to 115200 baud)
Most of this drives expect the serial data in zhe "8N1"-format
which means 8 databits no parity 1 stopbit.
For short messages with 5 or 10 characters (5 to 10 bytes) almost any of the drivers can be used.
If you want to receive up to 500 bytes within a very short time at high baudrates you would have to use a driver where you can set the buffersize to such a big value.
So as you still haven't decided which GSM-phone take one that has a
standard RS232 serial interface and that uses 8N1 as the manufacturers pre-settings to communicate. Baudrate can be adjusted to almost any value between 300 and 115200.
I guess there are not so many mobilphones that still have a serial interface.
The once that have one I guess most of them will communicate at 9600 or 19200 baud 8N1. Anyway I recommend to study the usermanual to be sure that it REALLY has a RS232 interface (with an USB-interface you are forced to find out the mostly propriarity dataprotocol)
It will be not as easy as to set the propeller into a receiving mode and the phone will send the sms-characters automatically.
To realise the communication you have to refer to the usermanual what serial commands are used to control the phone over the serial interface.
Sending these commands is a piece of cake for the propeller - but - you have to code the right bytesequences.
best regards
I found in my closset the following modem: GSM-T55I. It has a serial interface and I'm going to play a bit with the settings.
Thanks again for the help in this posts. I will try to find a way to recieve the text message over the serial connection.
It could help string parsing.
I can't find the object you mention in your post. Can you point me a bit further?
Thanks electrosys. This helps a lot.
Here we are..