Please Help!
My propeller robot controll board is not working. i was testing programs, and it was working fine, then i tried to load program one time and it just didnt work and hasn't since. I have tried 2 sets of batteries besides the origional ones, and a wall pack to check if the power was problem. what i dont understand is that when i connect the USB, the lights flash like it connects, but the program can not find the board.
any solutions, suggestions or similar problems please post! i need this board for a project and cant afford much down time.
any solutions, suggestions or similar problems please post! i need this board for a project and cant afford much down time.
See instructions here and the troubleshooting link at the bottom of the page.
If that doesn't do it, give Parallax Tech Support a call.
So, you might try swapping in another Propeller chip if you're using the PDIP version and have a spare chip or maybe just reseat the existing chip.
Edit: hmmm... I see that the RCB uses a QFP version of the Propeller so I guess my suggestion doesn't apply. Sorry!
Some times it help with change USB port it is connected to.
This way you can exclude a windows registry issue.
the cable retract reel.