FullDuplexSerial Problems
I am trying to get my prop to communicate with the computer, but i am having some problems.. I am trying to send a simple string determined in the program, but on the computer i am getting random symbols, no real text at all. Tried with 2 different terminals, and tried experimenting with the code and baud rates, and still nothing. Any ideas? I have tried several different demo codes, i have tried multiple eeprom chips, and 2 different PROP chips. I know that the USB-Serial device works because i use it to program the PROP. I am using parallaxes serial terminal so it is not encoding problem...
John Abshier
I am getting the following out of the terminal:
Hey, no foul langange on the forums!!!
....incorrect baudrate, maybe.
_clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x
_xinfreq = 5_000_000
John Abshier
Nothing happens.
John Abshier
What NOW!!
I have the baud in terminal set to 115200
And in code 115_200
And i dont always set _clkmode.
just defaults to RCFast = ~12MHz
John Abshier
John Abshier
Lets say you want to use 1200 baud. You use Full Duplex Serial and set it to 1200 and you get bad output. You then try 1150 or 1250 and see what you get, and keep trying if needed. There will be a certain number range that will work with RCFAST. The reason it is not working is that RCFAST is more than 10% inaccurate which is causing bits to be messed up. I do not know how well the long term stability is, but I have found it to work in the short term.
But, I do agree a crystal is much easier.
I can not find anywhere that will show me how to connect it, and connecting one leg to xin and one leg to xout does not work like i thought it would..
Help Please?