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relay with rc over ride???? — Parallax Forums

relay with rc over ride????

TheronTheron Posts: 5
edited 2010-11-17 16:41 in Accessories
I need a standard automotive relay that has a built in RC over ride
What I want to do is use the factoriy fuse/relay recivere port and I want it to work normally for instance the lights. turn the switch on they come on but what I want do do is while the switch is on and the lights are on from a remote controle elsewere interupt the circuit at the relay and shut the lights off. Iam emagining basicly a glorified looking relay box. the pupose to be able to have this capability with no cutting wires any thoughts would be welcom Thanks


  • FranklinFranklin Posts: 4,747
    edited 2010-11-17 14:25
    You could use a servo to throw a switch.
  • TheronTheron Posts: 5
    edited 2010-11-17 16:41
    Yeah I know but I was kinda hopin for simplicity in unplug the stock relay ande plug in the one with RC over ride i may have to build my own :idea:
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