You will need to spell check your test before posting.
For example, “I” should be upper case.
Follow the guidelines for Parallax employees, writing the text first in Word or any other word processor software that will help you correct typos. I try to filter my “Spanglish” with this system and it works up to some point (I still have some grammar issues since English is not my native language).
my name looks bad!:smhair:
Please remove images or icons from your signature.
Please post a test message.
You will need to spell check your test before posting.
For example, “I” should be upper case.
Follow the guidelines for Parallax employees, writing the text first in Word or any other word processor software that will help you correct typos. I try to filter my “Spanglish” with this system and it works up to some point (I still have some grammar issues since English is not my native language).
In the signature you can use:
Parallax Hong Kong Engineer
Parallax Hong Kong Engineering
My name still in the one line!!
I am going on register another name until it looks two line not Separate :cool:
If you write your answer using Word, it will autocorrect some typos and will underline other spelling or grammar issues in your writing.
Then you can fix all those issues, copy your text and paste it in the forum.
With this approach your writing will be easier to read in English.
Word is not the only tool. I think that Google Chrome also provides spell checking.