Prop Tool file locations

I seem to be missing something on the agreement of file lists between the Prop Tool Explorer and the Vista file Explorer.
Within the Prop Tool I have no problem creating and saving files as well as creating directories. I made a "library-jk" and have saved files iwthin that folder. Everything goes as expected, including compile for SPIN files that include an OBJ reference.
Then when I use Vista Explorer to go to c:\ProgFiles\Parallax Inc\PropToolv1.2.7r2\examples\library-jk the new SPIN files are not there.
When I line up the Prop Tool Explorer pane next to the Vista Explorer Pane I can see the folders match right up, except the Vista explorer does not show any contents of library-jk
Vista explorer does show basic files included in the Prop Tool folder: "4x4 keypad," "AD8803," etc.
Does anyone have similar experience with Prop Tool explorer being out of synch with vista explorer?
Within the Prop Tool I have no problem creating and saving files as well as creating directories. I made a "library-jk" and have saved files iwthin that folder. Everything goes as expected, including compile for SPIN files that include an OBJ reference.
Then when I use Vista Explorer to go to c:\ProgFiles\Parallax Inc\PropToolv1.2.7r2\examples\library-jk the new SPIN files are not there.
When I line up the Prop Tool Explorer pane next to the Vista Explorer Pane I can see the folders match right up, except the Vista explorer does not show any contents of library-jk
Vista explorer does show basic files included in the Prop Tool folder: "4x4 keypad," "AD8803," etc.
Does anyone have similar experience with Prop Tool explorer being out of synch with vista explorer?
FWIW, to avoid those issues I install everyday stuff (like the propeller tool) in the public part of the directory hierarchy.