I need to have a heatsink fabricated for my light controller project. I just need a piece of folded aluminum with holes drilled in it. (One piece that goes under the board and uses it as a mount also)
Any recommendations? Any ideas on the cost of such a thing?
Any sheet metal shop should be able to do that. No idea of cost but should not be that much.
PS - Do make sure the triac/scr/etc. tabs are isolated from the heat sink if they are not internally isolated.
Also, for your board, I would not use a single U-shaped piece of aluminum but, rather, two separate pieces. The reason is that the U-shaped aluminum will expand as it warms up, widening the distance between the sides which, again, will put stress on the solder joints.
Finally, for the reasons stated, you should not support the extrusion solely by the legs of the parts you're trying to cool. It needs to have it's own physical support.
Why not just buy some channel extrusion with fins for each side?
But Next time, design the pcb with some like this in mind.
The problem with custom fabrication is you really don't get a 'wonderful' per unit price until you order 10,000 units at one time.
Another alternative is just aluminum bar stock cut as required and drilled at the appropriate interval, maybe tapped as well.
If you must have the fold, visit an aluminum supplier and try to find an existing extruded shape (an angle or el) that fits your needs - then just cut to length with a 'chop saw' and drill holes on a drill press. I suspect that it is both easier to get done and will actually cost less than having someone bend flat stock.
Hope it works out. I will keep you guys posted.