How can I control 2 propeller chips w/1 EEPROM?
Hi, I'm doing a school project thats need close to 50 I/O's, and I have two 40 pin 32 I/O propeller chips. Is there a way to connect one to the other so that I can control all of the I/O's using just one EEPROM?
Follow my link and if you look at schematic, CUT off all 4884 props except the first one, that is then the master prop controlling slave prop circuit that uses a single eeprom.
This thread moves far into parallelism and so do attached circuits, program , but it also uses the concept of booting multiple props from a single eeprom & xtal.
The black box audio sequencer boots 4 props from a single eeprom & xtal using the master slave relationship.
If you need output-only, you could use 74HC595s to add 8 outputs each. These can be daisy chained so you'd only need 4 I/O pins for a series of them.
Dan E
Hi, there are 2 methods, I would use the design pattern perfected by Clock Loop it works very well.
The other method which is sequential instead of parallel was designed by Godzich, Christian, Ken and Pems in 2008, it also works but has more limitations.
thank you
/Michael O'Brien