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Assembly Stepper help needed — Parallax Forums

Assembly Stepper help needed

T ChapT Chap Posts: 4,224
edited 2010-11-12 21:17 in General Discussion
I could sure use some help on this stepper loop. The program takes values from a GUI, and the motor program chases the new position, with ramp up and ramp down on every move. There are two halves to the assembly program, one is for a forward movement and one is for a reverse movement, both include provisions for decelerating during a current move.

The problem seems to be in Repeat 4 ' Forward Decel (same issue on the Reverse too) which is the point at which a move will start to ramp down over the last 1000 steps. The Ramp down is supposed to start at the same speed it was moving at during the maximum speed of the move, set by MAXSPEED. But what seems to be happening is that the Decel Repeat4 does not pick up at the same speed, but starts it's loop at a slower speed, and an audible 'thump' is heard at the transition. I am not good at assembly, and have tried several attempts to get the repeat4 to use the same speeds for waitcnt but have had no luck. I was hoping someone might see something obvious so that it would be simple to have repeat4 assume the same speed(waitcnt value) and ramp down from there.

Repeat2 is the starting motion repeat loop which includes ramp up. At the end of the Repeat2, it should go to Repeat4 for the final 1000 steps. The idea being that the steps start out at a slow rate(accel) with waitcnt, then the accel value is decreased every loop until the maximum speed is achieved. For the last 1000 steps, the Repeat4 picks up, and it should use the same accel value( or MAXSPEED) and slow from there by increasing the waitcnt amount.

At higher speeds, I think this transition is causing lost steps and a cumulative drift, lower speeds are fine.

Here is the repeat 4. The program is uploaded as well, see the DAT for the problem.

The illustration shows the thump.

                'START FORWARD motion  here if new position > current position
                'run :=  LONG[newposition] - LONG[currentposition]  NEW position - current position
                RDLONG  tnew, newposition
                RDLONG  tcurrent, currentposition
                MOV     Run, tnew
                SUBS    Run, tcurrent
                RDLONG  tMaxSpeed, MaxSpeed

                'turn pin on
                RDLONG  PHSA, pwidth            ' <<<<<FIRE PIN FORWARD ACCEL+ RUN
                MINS    accel, tMaxSpeed
                MOV     ctmp1, accel
                ADD     ctmp1, CNT
                WAITCNT ctmp1, #0
                SUBS     accel, arate 'accel - arate   to ramp up speed
                'update position +1
                'LONG[currentposition] := LONG[currentposition]  + 1
                MOV     ctmp1, currentposition
                RDLONG  ctmp2, ctmp1
                ADD     ctmp2, #1
                WRLONG  ctmp2, ctmp1
                'update accel = accel - arate    accelerate motor/loop
                'if  LONG[newposition] < LONG[currentposition]    [[[endif2]]]
                RDLONG  ctmp1, newposition
                MOV     ctmp2, currentposition
                RDLONG  ctmp2, ctmp2
                CMPS    ctmp1, ctmp2    WC
        IF_NC   JMP     #endif2
                MOV     rep3cnt, C1000

repeat4 'FORWARD DECEL     <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<start ramping down, use same speed to start ramp
                'set pin on
                RDLONG  PHSA, pwidth            '<<<< FIRE PIN FORWARD DECEL 1000
                RDLONG  tMaxSpeed, MaxSpeed
                MINS    decel, MaxSpeed
                MOV     ctmp1, decel
                ADD     ctmp1, CNT
                WAITCNT ctmp1, #0    '<<< sets  decel ramp rate
                ADD     decel, drate
                'update position by + 1
                'LONG[currentposition] := LONG[currentposition]  + 1
                MOV     ctmp1, currentposition
                RDLONG  ctmp2, ctmp1
                ADD     ctmp2, #1
                WRLONG  ctmp2, ctmp1
                'update decel rate by drate
                DJNZ    rep4cnt, #repeat4       'decriment and jump if not 0

356 x 128 - 14K


  • T ChapT Chap Posts: 4,224
    edited 2010-11-12 13:06

    Instead of using separate variables for both ACCEL and DECEL, I removed all the DECEL variables and replaced them with ACCEL in the ramp down repeat loop, now it seems to work as it should.
  • LoopyBytelooseLoopyByteloose Posts: 12,537
    edited 2010-11-12 21:17
    Propeller OBEX has two Stepper objects. One is quite detailed in assembly about various choices of stepper programing.
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