TV Output resistors values?
For the TV Output on the PPDB, the resistors are 1100, 560 and 270.
I have thousands of resistors, but not those values
The closest I have are:
For 270 => 220 and 330.
For 560 => 330 and 470.
For 1100 => 1000 and 1200.
So my question is:
Can I go with 1000, 330, 220 instead of 1100, 560, 270? Or does those values need to be accurate?
For the TV Output on the PPDB, the resistors are 1100, 560 and 270.
I have thousands of resistors, but not those values

The closest I have are:
For 270 => 220 and 330.
For 560 => 330 and 470.
For 1100 => 1000 and 1200.
So my question is:
Can I go with 1000, 330, 220 instead of 1100, 560, 270? Or does those values need to be accurate?
Do you have any link for a software able to help me with that? Else I will try to do some calculation.
(2) 2.2k resistors in parallel will give you 1100 ohms. A 220 and 330 in series is 550 ohms which is probably close enough. Add another 10 ohm resistor in series , if you have one, to get a nominal 560 ohms. If you have any 100 ohm resistors, put one in series with (2) 330 in parallel to get 265 ohms, which is close to 270.
I even have 1 ohms so I can put 5 in series for 265
Thanks. I will try that right away!
220, 470, 1000 Ohm
The values are not that critical, they just must build a 3 bit DAC, so the relation must be near to 1:2:4.
If you want it exact, use two 470 in parallel instead of the 220R.
so I can you an R value with 2 R in parallel, 1 R and 2 R in series?
It's already too late, but if what I just did is not working fine, I will try that way.
Usually it is one of those bags of 600s, 10 of most values.
I'm using this breakout board: and there is 3 pins. I thought BRL and BRK are the same so just choosed one randomly.... Wrong choice
So I'm back with the solution Lev proposed since I already soldered it and it's now working fine.
Thanks all for your help.
It worked for 30 seconds then the display stopped.
I just plugged back the option with the 5 x 470 and seems to we working fine (way longer than 30 seconds).
So back to the soldering iron. Just to bad I already soldered the RCA Jack to the breakout bord, else I will have make my own board with it.
The other possibility is that the TV program is not tuned correctly, or you are outputting NTSC to a PAL monitor. You may have to tell us what code you are running.
2 in //.
1 alone
2 in serie.
The screen is now on for hours and working fine. Just the colors which are a bit different than from the PPDB but I will adjust that on the software side. So so far I'm fine with the result