Need help with serial LCD display
Ok I'm stuck. I haven't played with this stuff since the late 90's (the 8051 READS board days)....:smhair:
here's the display data sheet
I have it configured for serial data and the contrast is working. For the life of me, i can't remember what to do. I've tried sending it data holding various pins high and low, but no luck. I simply cannot remember how to initialize a display. What do i need to do to make this work?
here's the display data sheet
I have it configured for serial data and the contrast is working. For the life of me, i can't remember what to do. I've tried sending it data holding various pins high and low, but no luck. I simply cannot remember how to initialize a display. What do i need to do to make this work?
for BS2, you can look at Stamp Work
Experiment #11, #12 and #13, page:73 -
We too have problems with LCD and BS-1 (BS-2).
We want to make the reversal counter for calculation of pulses from
HEIDENHAIN Encoder 426 , Model 1250 pulses, OUT - TTl, 5V.
For the visual control we want to use the indicator 2x16 RAYSTAR
RC1602E-YKY-CSX (is made on a basis Hitachi 44780 controller IC).
In the INTERNET we have found the information on production to your firm.
In the description BS1-appnotes.pdf we have found ways of connection
BS-1 with LCD Hitachi 44780, Keypad, Servo and other variants.
We have decided(solved), that for the decision of our task quite will
consult(cope) BS-1 or BS-2.
We have bought BASIC Stamp 1 Module, BASIC Stamp 2 Module, Super
Carrier Board, BASIC Stamp 1 Serial Adapter, the indicator 16x2
RAYSTAR RC1602E-YKY-CSX, HEIDENHAIN Encoder 426 1250, Model 1250
pulses, OUT - TTl, 5V.
Have collected in a box.
Have loaded BASIC Stamp Windows Editor v2.5 (R2) - (Supports Windows
2K/XP/Vista/7) Includes software, USB driver, example code and help
for all BASIC Stamp modules.
Have invited the Programmer Man. When he has seen, has said, that
BASIC Stamp 1 Module, BASIC Stamp 2 Module it is impossible to program
on job with 16x2 RAYSTAR RC1602E-YKY-CSX (is made on a basis Hitachi
44780 controller IC)!!!
Whether correctly to us has said of the Programmer Man?
Really we can not decide(solve) on these elements a simple task: to
make the reversal counter for calculation of pulses from HEIDENHAIN
Encoder 426 1250, Model 1250 pulses, OUT - TTl, 5V.., For the visual
control we to use the indicator 16x2 RAYSTAR RC1602E-YKY-CSX (is made
on a basis Hitachi 44780 controller IC).
Have switched on the counter, have reset in "0"
1. We rotate HEIDENHAIN Encoder to the right - counter summarizes
pulses and shows us on the indicator of number, which are increased.
2. We rotate HEIDENHAIN Encoder to the left - counter subtracts pulses
and shows us on the indicator of number, which decrease.
We can replace the indicator 2x16 RAYSTAR RC1602E-YKY-CSX (is made on a basis Hitachi 44780 controller IC) on 7-segment LED displays. On Page 67 · StampWorks we have found EXPERIMENT *10: A DIGITAL CLOCK. There are used 4 DIGIT x 7-segment LED displays. It approaches me, but it is necessary to add a POINT and to make the counter reversal. Here for calculation the pulse from PULSE GENERATOR is used which comes on contact 15. And I need to make so: if the pulse "A" comes by first, and the pulse "B" by second (left rotation) - then goes summation and the indication on the display is increased; If the pulse "B" comes by first, and pulse "A" by second (right rotation), then the indications on the display should decrease. A pulse "A" we can connect on contact 15, then on what contact to connect a pulse "B"?
Prompt as it to make?.
Similar that nobody wants or can not help me.
I have found the program and I managed to connect the indicator 2x16 RAYSTAR
RC1602E-YKY-CSX (is made on a basis Hitachi 44780 controller IC) under BS-2.
The indicator works normally. One problem is decided(solved).
The Programmer Man can not write the program for definition of a direction
Rotations HEIDENHAIN Encoder 426 1250, Model 1250 pulses, OUT - TTl, 5V.
I have applied the circuit decision on microcircuits (decoder). She works simply.
If Encoder rotates to the right, the pulses go only on the channel "A", and the channel "B" has a constantly low level.
If Encoder rotates to the left, the pulses go only on the channel "B", and the channel "A" has a low level.
The second problem is decided(solved).
There was one problem - to write the program of the counter.
We want to connect two HEIDENHAIN Encoder 426 1250, Model 1250 pulses, OUT - TTl, 5V.
Everyone Encoder should work independently.
The Encoders are connected to BS-2 so:
E1 "A" - pin 13 BS-2
E1 "B" - pin 14 BS-2
E2 "A" - pin 10 BS-2
E2 "B" - pin 11 BS-2
One pulse corresponds(meets) 0,01 mm.
The indication about a condition owes first Encoder (E1) is deduced in the top line, and
The indication about a condition second Encoder (E2) should be deduced(removed) on the bottom line on the indicator 2x16 RAYSTAR
RC1602E-YKY-CSX (is made on a basis Hitachi 44780 controller IC) under BS-2.
I.e. the indication should be in a format:
The digital indication should vary according to changes of a rule(situation) any Encoders and specify true meaning(importance).
Can someone help me to write this program???
Please note that without more information then the dribs and drabs that you have provided, we can not even begin to help you. For example what do you want the display to show you? And is this encoder collecting data in a particular format? And what is it doing with this format? That sort of thing. Including what kind of encoder is it. There are as many varieties of encoders out there as there are methods of making them work.
I do not know English.
I use the electronic program the interpreter.
Really this program so badly translates, what you can not me understand?
2) It is very difficult to understand what you want and what you are trying to do. At least mention your native language. There may be someone on the forums who is fluent in it.
Simply so it has turned out - at us similar problems with LCD.
I bring the apologies.
My theme here:
Language - RUSSIAN.