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monitor displayed possision of trans & reciev — Parallax Forums

monitor displayed possision of trans & reciev

TheronTheron Posts: 5
edited 2010-11-11 01:38 in Accessories
Iam new to this sight and am in the process of learnig about the technical side of wireless controle. Iam wondering what set up it would take to make a close range locator. were the possition of both the transmitter and the reciever can be viewed on a mini monitor screen I have in my mind the thought of a reciever shown as the center of the screen and the transmitter elsewere on the screen so that a robot can be manualy steered to put the transmitter icon in the center of the reviever icon there by placing the robot in an exact possition reltive to the transmitter. Kind of like sonar I supose any thoughts would be welcom

I look forward to learning the ins and outs of electronics withParollex


  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2010-11-10 22:00
    You are not going to be able to do what you want with any of the devices that Parallax has available. Although it doesn't work on the scale you're talking about, you might look up articles in the Wikipedia on how GPS works.

    Something like a PING))) attached to a servo motor can get a rough reading of the distance to the nearest wall or substantial object by timing the ultrasound pulse and its echo, but the beam from the sensor is pretty wide near the end of its travel and the maximum distance is only about 3 meters. There are other sensors with greater maximum range, but they also have relatively wide beams, so it's hard to get a precise direction. You might be able to use a laser rangefinder to get a more precise direction reading and the rangefinder's internal circuitry could be hacked to give a distance reading.
  • Peter KG6LSEPeter KG6LSE Posts: 1,383
    edited 2010-11-10 22:14
    I can think of few ways one could use parallax HW with a few extra parts

    both are RDF . TDOA is common in the cell insdruty and and so is Doppler . both are capable of being receaved and displayed on a OLD palm 3XE 8MB 1990s PDA for ham Thunts . Il bet 80 MIPS prop could handlle it in a pinch .mind the SW will not be easy but its possable .

    and some where here I read there is a radio RX ablility with the prop

    . just down mix it befor its sent in to the Prop.

    hack a RAMSEY Doppler kit to feed the LEDs from the kit to a few I/Os on the prop and volla a smart locator . and if you want to make the map point N at all times use a mag flux compass to add a rotational offset

    to make it hand held . up the freq!
  • TheronTheron Posts: 5
    edited 2010-11-11 01:38
    Ok well I got a lot of learning to do befor I start modifying things But I do thank you guye for the input
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