Translator Chips from prop to 5v ttl/cmos
I'm surprizingly having a tough time with translating from prop to a power h-bridge mc33886. Anyway, T chap recommended the cd4050 and that would work but can't get tssop versions.
I just wondered who out there has used any decent translating chips. I got one shot at this board.
I'm surprizingly having a tough time with translating from prop to a power h-bridge mc33886. Anyway, T chap recommended the cd4050 and that would work but can't get tssop versions.
I just wondered who out there has used any decent translating chips. I got one shot at this board.
So you could use 74HCT04 gates as suggested above. That gives you six gates and they are inverted. Or you could use, say, a 74HCT244. That gives you 8 gates and they are not inverted.
I have never tried 74LS chips for this purpose, but they do list a 'High' as 2V as well.
I'm not so sure about going straight to a board without breadboarding it first.
They say that this part has TTL compatible inputs but I think there is an error in the datasheet for this part's Vih(min) which is stated as 3.5V. This is rather funny as that is the top limit of a TTL's Voh whose high output level can be as low as 2.4V.
Hmmm, if the inputs really are TTL compatible which they say they are then the Prop doesn't need any translators at all.
I just now saw your responses. I ended up using TI's txb0106. I talked to someone at parallax and they showed me what they used on the robotic board. Looks to be a pretty nice little chip. A hope so anyway.
The TXB0106 is designed to drive capacitive loads of up to 70pF. The output drivers of the TXB0106 have low dc drive strength. If pullup or pulldown resistors are connected externally to the data I/Os, their values must be kept higher than 50kΩ to ensure that they do not contend with the output drivers of the TXB0106.
For the same reason, the TXB0106 should not be used in applications such as I2Cor 1-Wire where an open-drain driver is connected on the bidirectional data I/O. For these applications, use a device from the TI TXS01xx series of level translators.