Spin suggestion: Embedded CONs

No, this is not a pulic-relations scheme to promote the social reintegration of ex-felons. 
Rather, it's a minor suggestion for improving DAT section modularity. Although one can put a CON block anywhere he wants, it can be a little instrusive if the only constants it defines pertain to an adjacent DAT section. It would be nice to have the option to define a constant like this, inside the DAT block itself:
The symbols would still be global, as CONstants are now. But for self-documenting purposes, it makes the association with the DAT block more readily apparent.

Rather, it's a minor suggestion for improving DAT section modularity. Although one can put a CON block anywhere he wants, it can be a little instrusive if the only constants it defines pertain to an adjacent DAT section. It would be nice to have the option to define a constant like this, inside the DAT block itself:
BAUDRATE [b]con[/b] 9600 STOPBITS [b]con[/b] 2
The symbols would still be global, as CONstants are now. But for self-documenting purposes, it makes the association with the DAT block more readily apparent.