Problem using propeller backpack overlay
Hello all, I've recently purchased a propeller backpack to use in a senior design project for my undergrad studies. However, I've run into problems early on and am hoping that members of this forum can point me in the right direction. I initially encountered a problem wherein I was unable to program any part of the propeller chip except for the bootloader area, using the BPLoader. The exact problem that was experienced by this user:
I also did not have any luck with the older propellent version that Kevin uploaded on that thread, as it gave me the same errors still.
I downloaded the debug BPLoader from that thread and have had a bit more luck. With the prop_backpack_monitor programmed into the bootloader, I am able to program other instructions (or programs) into RAM and ROM (without overwriting the bootloader). This is still all being done with the BPLoader, however, and it is my understanding that the monitor should not be necessary unless I am programming via a Basic Stamp. I have tried to program the prop_backpack_tv_overlay_terminal, but when I put that in the bootloader, it does not allow me to program any other parts or ROM or RAM. Instead, when I try to then program the PropBP_overlay_demo, the BPLoader tells me that it recognizes the chip on port, then proceeds to try to communicate with it and then displays "No response from Backpack, or upload failed."
When I have the monitor loaded into the bootloader, I am able to program the PropBP_overlay_demo into both RAM and ROM, but I see no demo on the screen. Instead, I just see the video feed of my camera that is passed into the backpack and then out, but no overlay on it. I assume that I likely need the prop_backpack_tv_overlay_terminal programmed into the bootloader in order to run the demo (but again, this leads to my problem of not being able to program anything else when something other than the monitor is loaded into the bootloader of EEPROM).
I've also tried programming the PropBP_overlay_demo.binary straight to the bootloader and this too, simply passes my video input from my camera to my video output with no overlay on it.
Has anyone run into a similar issue? Or does anyone have any ideas on how I may troubleshoot this? I have called tech support a few times but they were unable to provide me with much feedback on the problem. I am hoping that the experience of the members on this forum will yield some sort of solution. Thanks in advance for any help or support!
I also did not have any luck with the older propellent version that Kevin uploaded on that thread, as it gave me the same errors still.
I downloaded the debug BPLoader from that thread and have had a bit more luck. With the prop_backpack_monitor programmed into the bootloader, I am able to program other instructions (or programs) into RAM and ROM (without overwriting the bootloader). This is still all being done with the BPLoader, however, and it is my understanding that the monitor should not be necessary unless I am programming via a Basic Stamp. I have tried to program the prop_backpack_tv_overlay_terminal, but when I put that in the bootloader, it does not allow me to program any other parts or ROM or RAM. Instead, when I try to then program the PropBP_overlay_demo, the BPLoader tells me that it recognizes the chip on port, then proceeds to try to communicate with it and then displays "No response from Backpack, or upload failed."
When I have the monitor loaded into the bootloader, I am able to program the PropBP_overlay_demo into both RAM and ROM, but I see no demo on the screen. Instead, I just see the video feed of my camera that is passed into the backpack and then out, but no overlay on it. I assume that I likely need the prop_backpack_tv_overlay_terminal programmed into the bootloader in order to run the demo (but again, this leads to my problem of not being able to program anything else when something other than the monitor is loaded into the bootloader of EEPROM).
I've also tried programming the PropBP_overlay_demo.binary straight to the bootloader and this too, simply passes my video input from my camera to my video output with no overlay on it.
Has anyone run into a similar issue? Or does anyone have any ideas on how I may troubleshoot this? I have called tech support a few times but they were unable to provide me with much feedback on the problem. I am hoping that the experience of the members on this forum will yield some sort of solution. Thanks in advance for any help or support!
Searching for Propeller (on BPLoader)
Checking COM4 (on BPLoader)
Propeller chip version 1 found on COM4. (Windows Dialog Box)
No response from Backpack, or upload failed. (BPLoader)
When I program the PropBP_overlay_demo.binary straight to the bootloader, it programs, but simply takes my input video and seems to feed it right out of the output, as nothing is overlayed on it.
I am slightly confused which files should be programmed into the bootloader and which into the non bootloader sector of the eeprom. I have tried multiple configurations but still have had no luck. Is there anything else you can suggest?
I've double-checked the Backpack Loader program with the latest Propellent v1.2 (2009 Aug 28), and it does work fine under Win XP. Which operating system are you using, BTW? Where is your Propellent v1.2 program located on your hard drive?
As to the overlay not working, what is your video source? Some video sources do not work well with opaque overlays, causing synchronization issues with the Backpack. There's a setting you can change in the PropBP_overlay_demo.spin program to force it to use transparent overlays. Try setting TPT to 1, and see if that helps. Also, make sure both jumpers are installed on the Backpack and that you're using a good quality cable from your video source and to your monitor. Bad connections can ruin sync acquisition. And without sync, the overlay program will not attempt to overlay any text.
Addendum: Also, for overlays, make sure you don't have video in and video out reversed. Even when reversed, you will get video pass-through, and it may even get a sporadic sync and produce some text. But your results will always be better with a proper connection.
I am using a 32 bit version of Windows 7 but I have tried running in every compatibility mode available as well as running as administrator. I have tried running the bploader with Propellent outside of the directory (and pointing to it) as well as inside the bploader directory and confirmed that the .ini is pointing to the correct Propellent.
My video source that I am using is a small analog wireless camera. I am plugging the camera receiver output into the input of the backpack and plugging the output of the backpack into the composite input of my lcd tv. I have checked to make sure that I do not have the input and output reversed by checking for continuity between tip with video out and sleeve with video in. I've also checked continuity between the jumpered pins for both video and overlay to make sure those are properly connected.
I will try changing the TPT and see how that goes. Thanks again for your help. Can you clarify, however, the order in which things should be loaded into the backpack if I am only using the prop plug and backpack loader to upload programs? I should just have to upload the binary into the EEPROM (with overwrite bootloader checked) correct?
Again, I greatly appreciate your help!
You may yet be able to rescue your wireless camera. Most often, the problem is incorrect source impedance (i.e. too high). Try putting a 150-ohm resistor across the camera's output (i.e. before the signal gets to the Backpack), and see if that helps.
I am also designing the portion of my PCB which will house the propeller chip and its components. I would like to replicate the video overlay section of the backpack on my PCB, as I would like to use it to create a HUD for my senior design robot. Looking at the schematic for the backpack, I have a few questions about the components and would greatly appreciate if you could provide suggestions.
1) The EEPROM in the backpack schematic is listed as 24C512. I found this part online as an ATMEL EEPROM. However, the part number listed on the chip on my backpack looks to be H726 2FB 2. Are these one and the same? Or was a different EEPROM put on the backpack and the schematic never updated?
2) Will any standard 10 MHz oscillator suffice for the XO / XI pins? I did not see any part numbers listed for that particular part so I assume something generic should work, but please do correct me if I am wrong.
3) For the video overlay portion of the circuitry, I see that 2 MOSFETs are required. Is there a certain type of MOSFET with certain specs that are required? I do not remember a whole lot about transistors but the ones on the backpack appear to be PNP?
I am mostly concerned about what MOSFETs to use as these components appear to be controlling the video overlaying. Thank you sincerely for your help!!
Because of their small size, surface mount parts often have shorthand legends printed on them that seem to have no relation to their part numbers. Here's the page from the Atmel AT24C512B datasheet that explains the legend that you see:
2) Will any standard 10 MHz oscillator suffice for the XO / XI pins? I did not see any part numbers listed for that particular part so I assume something generic should work, but please do correct me if I am wrong.
The crystal used in the Backpack is an ECS-100-20-30B-DU. It's a parallel-resonant crystal with a 20pF load capacitance. If you have room on your PCB, you can also use a 5MHz crystal with the same specs otherwise. Here's a thread that discusses Propeller crystals:
3) For the video overlay portion of the circuitry, I see that 2 MOSFETs are required. Is there a certain type of MOSFET with certain specs that are required? I do not remember a whole lot about transistors but the ones on the backpack appear to be PNP?
The MOSFETs are a single-package dual nMOSFET. (The terms "NPN" and "PNP" are applied only to bipolar transistors, BTW.) The part number is a Rohm UM6K1NTN. It is characterized for gate drives as low as 2.5V. This is important. If the chosen MOSFET requires too high a gage drive, it will not switch efficiently with the Prop.
The MOSFETs are used for controlling the transparency of the overlain characters and their background.
1. The camera works fine by itself with the TV.
2. Another video source works fine with the Backpack overlay program.
3. The impedance correction didn't help.
The only thing I can think of is that maybe the video signal is riding on a large DC offset. Do you have a 'scope that you can use to view the camera's output? If not, try AC coupling the camera to the Backpack using back-to-back 47uF electrolytic caps, or one 22uF non-polarized cap.
If worse comes to worse, I'll buy one of those cameras myself to test it. At $30, it's not like they cost an arm and a leg, and I really would like to get to the bottom of this.
The fact that the overlay flashes on and off with your second camera indicates an intermittent loss of sync. Can you scope that camera as well -- both AC and DC levels (with and without a 75-ohm load)?
I will be back in the lab tomorrow evening to rescope both the old and new camera and will update you then. thanks!