Why does Spin interpret instead of compiling?
The title pretty much says it all.
If the Spin code compiled into machine language we could have our cake and eat it too.
If the Spin code compiled into machine language we could have our cake and eat it too.
Actually, it's not hard at all to compile spin... the problem is much deeper than that, however.
All program execution runs in a cog. Spin is interpreted because one or more cogs have a spin intrepreter running in it. That program fits nicely into the cog memory. The actual spin code resides in the 32k of HUB memory. 32k > 512. If you compiled it, it would have to run in 512 instructions... which makes for a small program.
There is an alternative... mostly referred to as LMM (Large Memory Model,) in which code is compiled and stored in the HUB memory. Then the only thing in the cog memory is a bit of code that reads instructions from HUB memory and executes them. Naturally, it's slower than pure PASM, but it is still faster than SPIN.
So... you can eat your cake if your prefer small cupcakes... or you can have someone just bring you your cake a byte at a time. :-)
Nice explanation steele.
This whole thing is giving me flashbacks to the Apple IIC computers I used in high school.
They ran interpretive BASIC, but you could write assembly subroutines.
I'd fallen into the same thinking, that Spin is interpreted, until it was pointed out that the Spin source is not the same program as it's compiled binary counterpart.
The other factor is addressing, Hub space is treated as main memory in Spin. In native Cog coding Hub space has special instructions to access it.
Yes, I think you are forgetting that the Propeller is actually 8 microcontrollers (cogs) on a chip with a common (but slow) 32KB hub RAM. Each cog only has <512 words of memory for program and data so any "assembly" language would have to fit in that small space. Assembly code cannot run directly from the hub RAM either so it makes sense then to "interpret" code from there in much the same way a VM (virtual machine) works.
Don't confuse a Basic interpreter with a VM runtime interpreter which reads virtual opcodes which have been compiled, in this case with the Spin tool. Spin byte code could be considered the machine code of the Spin VM.
It is also not possible for the cog to directly address more than 512 words of instruction memory either as this is a feature (and a limitation) of the instruction set.
Does this mean that PropBasic also uses too much memory?
It can also do LMM, where additional longs are fetched from the HUB, then executed, at a lower speed. This speed is higher than SPIN, but lower than the native COG speed.
LMM is larger than SPIN, for most things. Maybe all things, but I've not really looked at it closer.