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Propeller Camera Controller

adriadri Posts: 34
edited 2010-11-27 01:22 in Propeller 1

I've got an Olympus PEN Camera and came across these gadgets the other day...

The Camera Axe and the Time Machine.

They are intervalometers and Camera Shutter/Flash Controllers for 'High Speed' Photography

In steps the Propeller Demo Board. Tony has supplied me with a board with Opto-Couplers (Shutter Release) and Opto-Triacs (Flash Release).

So far I've got control of the flash and shutter. Here's the first shot my first playing about popping a balloon. The camera was in bulb mode with the flash being triggered by the electret mic on the demo board.

Not being a Propellor Head I'd certainly be interested in any comments/suggestions as to how a Prop version of the Camera Axe could develop.


1000 x 750 - 198K


  • JonnyMacJonnyMac Posts: 9,235
    edited 2010-11-08 14:27
    I am in the process of "upgrading" my SX28-based intervalometer...

    ... to the Propeller. Perhaps we can exchange ideas as we both move forward with our respective projects.

    I'd love to see the code you have if you're willing to share.
  • adriadri Posts: 34
    edited 2010-11-09 01:37
    Sounds interesting John.

    So far the code is just a minor modification to the mic to LED code here

    I've just added in a conditional and if the balloon popping loudness is high enough then it sets pins 6 & 7 to high thereby triggering the shutter and flash via the opto-couplers/triacs.

    What I'd like to look at now is adding other sensors and getting the delay from sensor detection to shutter release/flash down as much as possible.


  • RagtopRagtop Posts: 406
    edited 2010-11-09 04:22
    I just used a camera control for a recent Halloween project.

    I wanted the program to take pictures at specific times during it's run through and I also wanted to be able to take pictures with a key fob remote that I got off Ebay.

    So the main program has this program as an object. It uses the start method to run the camera program in a separate cog to constantly check if the remote button has been pressed or if it has received a command from the main program to trigger the camera.
    Pub Start
    PUB TakePicture
       dira[2]~  'sets b pin from remote to input
       b := blast := 0    'button a not pressed
          if RemoteBtest == 1 or command == 1
             command := 0
    Pub Click
        command := 1
    Pub RemoteBtest
        b := ina[2]
        if b == blast
          result := 0
          result := 1
        blast := b

    RemoteBtest is in there because of how the remote button works. It toggles the state of the pin with each press instead of just when pressed. So I have to check for changes of the state instead of the value of.

    Pin 15 ran to two optoisolators for the camera's focus and shutter.
  • adriadri Posts: 34
    edited 2010-11-10 06:23
    Anyone know how fast the Parallax Sound Impact Sensor (#29132) can be sampled ?

    So if I'm polling say every 100 microseconds the pin it's attached to is that beyond it's capabilities?

    Oh you can SO tell I know nothing about electronics...


  • adriadri Posts: 34
    edited 2010-11-27 01:22

    latest test using the sound impact sensor. looks like it's more responsive than the previous method.

    Now going to try a photogate for water drop detection etc.

    I'm also looking for code for a 4 button control w LCD. If there's anything out there any pointers would be most welcome.


    1000 x 908 - 119K
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