Anyone want me to leave the dual quadrature encoder driver in the OBEX?
I made this object some time ago:
However, I made a much better version of the driver which can do PID control also:
While the dual version can do two encoders at once, I and other people have said that they have problems with it. I don't feel like maintaining it anymore as I no longer need it for anything so I'm thinking about taking it down from the OBEX. I am trying not to add clutter to the website.
Any replies on this would/ be great. Thanks,
However, I made a much better version of the driver which can do PID control also:
While the dual version can do two encoders at once, I and other people have said that they have problems with it. I don't feel like maintaining it anymore as I no longer need it for anything so I'm thinking about taking it down from the OBEX. I am trying not to add clutter to the website.
Any replies on this would/ be great. Thanks,
I'm reading through your assembly in the encoder PWM1C_PIDEngine
And I'm having a little trouble with the manuals explination of the REV opcode. My question is "the way you use the REV opcode above is to reverse all the bits, except the carry ... is that correct?"
... Tim
PS - I'm the one who had the question about 'JonnyMac's object, that you replied to ... BTW, thankyou for the input!
So, it reverses the bottom 2 bits and zeros the rest.
The tricky peice of code you see there does the work of all the code in the Parallax Quadrature Encoder Object in like ~8 lines versus arround 30+. (The grey code stuff)