Spencer-Brown Counter

Whilst discussing the meaning of pi and hence the existence or not of mathematical objects/concepts I took another look at the work of George Spencer Brown, his famous work "The Laws of Form".
In doing so I stumbled across a binary counter, or at least divide by two, stage that he devised. It uses only NOR gates and is quite unlike any divider stage I have seen before.
Here is my rendition of it in KiCad.
Anyone out there got a logic simulator to quickly verify this works as advertised?
Edit: Updated schematic with annotated signals.
In doing so I stumbled across a binary counter, or at least divide by two, stage that he devised. It uses only NOR gates and is quite unlike any divider stage I have seen before.
Here is my rendition of it in KiCad.
Anyone out there got a logic simulator to quickly verify this works as advertised?
Edit: Updated schematic with annotated signals.
I have SwitcherCAD (LTSpice) running under Wine on Linux. It never occurred to me to use it for logic simulation:)
Anyway I updated the schematic in the first post with labelled signals. and the simulated the thing with a little C program. Results show that it does indeed divide by two.
The more I look at it the more I think it actually just a Master-Slave JK Flip-Flop drawn in an odd manner.
In a D-Flip-Flop, there are two outputs, 'Q' and 'Q-Not'
If you take the 'Q-Not' and feed it to the 'D' input and use the 'Clock' as your data/frequency input, then 'Q' or even 'Q-Not' will show up as having half of the input frequency.
Here is an animation. It's the same schematic, just drawn differently.
No need to worry about disappointing me, after starring at it for a while I came to the same conclusion.
It's just that Spencer-Brown had an odd way of drawing it. Still, I don't think the logic symbols were so standardized when he did it back in the early 60's and perhaps the nomenclature of the various flip-flop types as we know today was not in place either.
Well, OK I said JK flip-flop, almost same:)